Chapter 24 - The Glow Behind the Veil

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Sitara stretched her arm and pointed to something above them on the cave ceiling. Where the waterfall plunged through the opening into the interior and looked like liquid moonlight was pouring into the tomb's interior, something flashed behind the plunging water masses.

Peter squinted his eyes as if that might help him to see better. Among the lianas and roots that grew down, there were also the crystals here and there, but also a few empty hollows.

"I think they put the stars in the ceiling to make it look like a sky," Peter murmured, looking more closely at the tumbling case. Sure enough, something was shimmering there, and this inconspicuous glow was lost between the many reflections of the crystals and the moonlight in the water.

"They stole the others over time because they were too easy to spot or easier to reach ... but that one there," Sitara pointed again, this time more specifically at the glow, "... was overlooked."

"That doesn't make it any easier for us to get to him," Peter noted, running his fingers through his blond hair.

"Can you fly up there?"

Peter tilted his head thoughtfully from right to left.
"I can try. But it's quite a stretch," Peter grumbled. Thoughtfully, he rubbed his forehead. But then he snapped and was already grinning again, the fire of the following idea in his eyes. He wouldn't be the king of adventures if he didn't have a solution ready!

"I'll climb up the vines. It's not that far from there," pointing to one of the exceptionally long growths that had gained entrance inside. "If I get close to it, I can make it that little bit."

The star was uncomfortable with the thought but could think of no other solution.
"Please take care of yourself, Peter," she pleaded, and Peter grinned broadly.

"Are you worried, my little starlet?" he playfully teased the star and took a few steps back on the platform to take a running start.

Stones trickled into the depths as Peter leaped off the edge. His heart somersaulted in his chest, and Sitara held her breath as the lost man's body jerked into the depths. The long root groaned under the sudden weight and swayed dangerously. Peter slid down the root, his palms burning like fire, and he had to grit his teeth not to let go out of reflex. The blood from his torn palms smeared the wood of the root as he groaned and pulled himself upwards on it, and soon his arms were shaking from the effort.

Damn it all, he longed for the ease of flying again! But Peter knew the most incredible adventures were worth all the effort, and all the trouble would be quickly forgotten afterward. A muscle twitched at his jaw as Peter gritted his teeth and climbed higher. The further up he got, the more difficult it became.

"I'll have him in a minute!" he shouted, fixing his eyes on the glow behind the veil of falling water.

As he pulled himself higher, however, he lost his footing and slid down a new bit, his heart dropping to his toes as he did so - even though he would never have admitted it, and shortly afterward called himself an idiot for doing so. A curse escaped him briefly, but then pride and adventurousness flared up in him all the more. When Peter finally reached the top of the root, he was already drenched in water mist. But the slight glow behind it was not far away!

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