I was sitting in my little dog house in the party room by balloon boy.
I sit alone because I don't kill humans much any more.I alone know what they are like some are kind and some are evil like the one who killed me. purple man.
the thought of him made me flip over my tiny little desk by dog house on the wall and it Broke with a loud bang and splinters flying everywhere.
Seconds later Bon-Bon came running in.
"Are you alright,what happened"she said
"Nothing, I-I am fine" I said
"Are you sure nobody is pushing your buttons because you know I can pound them for you" she said pounding her right hand
"It is ok I am fine I just....I'm fine ok you don't have to worry about me" I said
didn't want to tell her my problem It is for me to worry about not her.
About 2 seconds later vicson came in and told Bon-bon that it is 11:57 she nodded and turned to me.
"You know what time it is. see you later spike." she said punching me in my shoulder and ran off to her position.I then backed up into my dog house and looked at my clock,and waited for the withered to Come out of there hiding.As I was in my little dog house I started to peek out my window Bonnie was dragging himself in to the party room and foxy walked along side with him.
"How do you think they will kill the night guard tonight"said Bonnie still limping steady
"I think there going to use Vinson this time"said foxy with disgust
"Do you have any idea where they even hide the body?"
"I think it's some where in a trap door in the office"
Then they finally get to my dog house.
"Knock knock spike"said foxy he was the only one who was left with limbs.
Because of this the withered hate him,all except me and Bonnie. Bonnie because foxy helped get his face back,and foxy also helped me to get over anger issues.
"So....." said Bonnie, sitting along side foxy " how are you".
"Not much has been going on for me" I said "but what about you".
"Not much for me neither" he said.Suddenly there was a crash, probably the nightguard trying to fight back agean, but bollon boy came in
"The nightguard is fighting back with a gun" he cried " he shot bon-bon in the neck"
I extanged looks with foxy, it was time for my turn agean.