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Full name: Raymond "Ray" Blackthorn

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 170.1 cm (5'7)

Weight: 145.15 kg (320lbs)

Johnathan Blackthorn
Quirk: Eclipse
--Johnathan is the top hero in the UK, his

Nemuri Kayama

-U.A student

Quirk Name: Black-Light

Ray's quirk, Black-Light, grants him unparalleled control over darkness and shadows, and Light.


Explosive Power: Ray can concentrate light energy into dense orbs and detonate them on impact, creating massive, blinding explosions capable of disorienting and damaging enemies in a wide radius. The intensity of the explosion can vary, from smaller bursts to large-scale blasts.

Spark Blasts: He can shoot rapid bursts of concentrated light energy, resembling sparks or small projectiles.

Heated Claws: By focusing the heat generated from light energy into his claws, Ray can heat them to extreme temperatures. This allows him to cut through tough materials or enhance his melee attacks with searing strikes.

Jet Propulsion: Ray can channel light energy into powerful blasts from his hands or feet, using them as jets for flight. This grants him impressive mobility in battle, allowing for rapid escapes, aerial maneuvers, or high-speed charges.

Shadow Constructs: Ray can shape shadows into physical constructs like weapons, claws, or extra arms. The constructs are nearly indestructible in darkness but weaken in bright light.

Shadow Tendrils: Ray can summon shadowy appendages from the environment or his body to attack, grapple, or restrain opponents. Tendrils are fast, flexible, and can strike multiple enemies simultaneously.

Shadow Traveling: Ray can transport himself instantly through connected shadows, making his movements unpredictable in dark environments.

Partial Shadow Form: Ray's body is part-shadow, allowing for unnatural movements, such as twisting his head 360°, removing his head like a hat, and contorting his limbs in grotesque ways.

Shadow Entity: Ray's shadow has a semi-sentient mind of its own, manifesting as a violent and carnivorous entity. It feeds on small birds, rodents, etc. and can act independently of Ray's commands, sometimes attacking without his consent.

Inky Form: Ray can transform parts of his body into a liquid-like shadow substance.

Night Vision: Ray can see perfectly in darkness, giving him a significant advantage in dim or completely dark environments.


Energy Consumption: Using large-scale constructs or prolonged light attacks drains Ray’s stamina quickly. Overuse can lead to fainting or his body struggling to maintain its shadow form.

Sentient Shadow: Ray's shadow's violent and sadistic nature can make it uncontrollable at times, especially when he’s weakened or distracted. If unchecked, it may attack allies or innocent bystanders, causing collateral damage.

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