Found in the Rain

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AFG Fluff: Found Family


Little Bo was a three month old German Shepherd puppy whose family dumped him in a cardboard box on the side of the road. That was three days ago, and he was now nearly dying. At least it felt like he was. Bo could hear the big boxes go by growling at him as they passed. He could smell other aminals nearby and whimpered when some of them got too close. So far, he wasn't as bad off as he expected to be.

Then on night number four, the wet stuff fell from the sky and soaked him completely. He whined at the chilly stuff coating his muddy fur and rested his head between his paws. He was so tired.


Right when the bright circle was highest and fullest, a noise startled Bo awake. He didn't know what it was but listened closely as a grunt soon followed a smack. Then Bo heard another loud sound before a dark box growled and went away. Bo was confused and scared but when he peeked out of the hole in his box, he saw something on the ground. The whimpers and soft crying from the thing made Bo really sad. Slowly he crawled out of his box and towards the thing. As he got closer, he discovered the thing was actually an older human with tears in its eyes. They were very pretty eyes and should not be full of tears.

The human glanced at him and started to cry harder. Bo was suddenly wrapped in the human's arms, his fur nuzzled gently by the human's nose. Bo tensed but then went pliant. He had never known a nice or kind touch in his entire life.

From that night on, Bo never slept in the box again. The human took him home, bathed him and gave him everything he needed. The only thing that was hard for the young pup was being alone. He sneaked into the human's room and whimpered softly, pawing at the bed.

A soft grunt sounded, before pretty eyes looked over the edge of the bed. When the human sighed, Bo figured he was in trouble. He backed up but didn't get far before he was scooped up and settled on the human's bed.

"It's okay little one. I don't like being alone either but neither of us are now. Okay? You have me and I-I have you."

Bo tilted his head, not fully understanding the words but the tone and the emotions of the human told him enough that he was comfortable curling up on the human's stomach with a soft woof sound.

Every day was spent together just Bo and his human. Bo got his very own collar with a tag the next day and he had to get spiky things from a weird human with no fur on his head, but it was okay. His human kept petting him and telling him, "Good boy!" over and over again.

The longer Bo lived with the human the more he realized how truly alone the man was. No one ever came by, and Bo wondered why that was. He saw his human talking on a weird thing that looked like a toy, but the human would always be more upset after those talks. Bo would comfort him and lick his cheeks until he smiled again. Bo looked after his human in every way he could.


One night his human had to run into town and Bo was left in charge. The only light was the big bright circle in the sky and there was suddenly a loud crash. Bo snarled and woofed at the sound. He was in charge, and he ran at the intruder with his teeth bared. He managed to bite the bad human's arm before he was flung to the side and hit his head on the wall.

He didn't move again until his human got home, and he started whimpering. His human was frozen in shock at the evidence of a break in. "Bo?" he called out. "BO?!?!"

The pup let out a soft howl and immediately his human was there carefully scooping him up. "I'm so sorry sweet boy. This is my fault. You got hurt and it's my-m-my fault."

Bo did not like his human being sad and gently licked at the salty wetness until it was all gone. Bo cared about his human a lot. He wondered if it was love. The pup did love his human and knew his human loved him too. It was something he never doubted once, since the night the human saved him and brought him in from the wet stuff. He was warm, safe, content, happy, and home.

Their life changed that night. They moved to a different small box in the forest, and it was just for them. Bo got a new collar after his other one was ruined because of the bad human.

It took a while to heal but his little body fought hard, and he was soon playing with even more enthusiasm than before. The green stuff was so fun to play in and there was so much space to play. He and his human spent hours every day playing outside.

Bo was more protective of his human as well, especially from those little aminals who chittered at him until he chased them up a tree. He woofed happily and trotted home to his human.

Everything was perfect and Bo's favorite thing was cuddling in the sun on the cool grass with his human under the big tree in the forest. Bo had a family and sure it was small and only had the two of them but that was more than enough for the pup. Before the night in the wetness, Bo had no one and neither did his human but now, they had each other. They'll never be alone. Bo was right about them never ever being alone ever again.


After living with his human for a little over a year, Bo began to understand the human's words more. Even as the ones who grew alongside them, passed on and more were born, neither Bo, nor his human did the same.

That was how Bo learned about sparkles and that his human was very special. His pretty eyes got even prettier when the sparkles happened. Soon, Bo began to feel funny when his human's eyes sparkled. His tail would wag, as he barked and one day, he did sparkles all by himself. It was something that had him preening when his human clapped and laughed.

Then, after a little over a century with his human, neither of them aging a moon and sun, Bo knew everything there was to know about the human. He knew about the human's family and how they went away for good. He knew about what happened the night that united them. He knew that he was so very special because he could do the things his human could do. His human told the pup that Bo was a familiar.

Bo gave his human lots of cuddles and snuggles after that. His favorite thing that he learned about his human was that he was named Stiles, but Bo was told by the human that Stiles's mama called him Mischief. Bo liked that better. It fit his human perfectly.


Stiles & Bo

Stiles & Bo

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