Nightmares and Tea Talks

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Adica wakes up to the sound of whimpering.

She sits up, rubbing her eyes to clear the sleep from them. She turns her head to see Emma thrashing in her sleep, sweat beading on her forehead. The girl's breathing is labored, and she's muttering unintelligible words under her breath, making Adica frown. She quietly walks to the girl's bed, sitting at the end of it and reaching out to shake her shoulder. "Emma?"

The orange-haired girl's eyes shoot open, gasping for breath as she clutches Adica's arm with clammy hands. Her eyes frantically dart around the room before meeting Adica's and her body visibly relaxes. Adica gently wraps her arms around Emma, holding her close. "Did you have a nightmare?" Emma nods mutely as Adica strokes her friend's hair. "It's okay, Emma. It was just a dream. You're safe now," Adica whispers. Emma buries her face in Adica's shoulder, her body shaking with sobs as Adica holds her tightly and hums a random lullaby.

After a few minutes, Emma's sobs quieten, and Adica smiles gently when she sees the girl has fallen asleep. She carefully lays her down and glances at the clock on the wall. 5:03. After deciding that there's no point in trying to sleep for 27 minutes, Adica heads downstairs. Unlike the afternoons, Grace Field House is eerily silent in the early mornings. The only sound is the echoing ticks of the grandfather clock. It feels almost eerie.

She is surprised to see the familiar black-haired boy already sitting in the kitchen, sipping a hot cup of tea. "You're already awake, Ray?"

The boy nods. "I couldn't fall back asleep and I'm on breakfast duty anyway, so I figured I'd go ahead and start my day. Do you want a cup of tea?" Adica's a bit surprised at the boy's offer, but nods as he gestures for her to sit. "You're up early too, Adica. Is everything okay?" He asks, bringing her a cup.

The girl nods, humming in content as she takes a drink of the hot beverage. She stares at it for a few seconds before looking up to meet Ray's dark eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay. But can you do me a favor and check on Norman?"

Ray furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Why?"

"Well, when he and Emma got home last night, I tried to talk to them. But they just acted super weird and said that they didn't get Little Bunny to Conny in time. And then this morning, Emma had a pretty bad nightmare. I think that they're worried Conny isn't adjusting okay without Little Bunny, and they're feeling bummed out that she left before they got there. I think it may be easier for Norman to talk about his feelings with another guy." Adica explains, and Ray is silent for a moment before chuckling.

"Yeah, I'll check on him. Don't worry."

"Thank you, Ray. I know that I'm probably worrying too much, but I can't help it. Norman says I'm just like mama." Adica says, laughing slightly, getting up to begin breakfast as the 6:00 AM bell rings.

Ray stays seated, frowning to himself at her words. "I don't think you're like mom at all."


Author's note: I hope you enjoy! A tried a shorter chapter this time, please let me know if you prefer the shorter chapters or longer chapters!

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