What is a striker?...

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Cheering could be heard from the stadium, the match is almost over and there you were, looking all frantic about the situation... your team was losing.

Sweat rolled down your face from the stress your getting currently, as you watched the team try their best to get the ball...

You shouted encouraging words, trying to atleast boost their spirits, seeing as to how they look as if they've lost hope already...

It irritated you, and you wanted to go out the field, and slap them all to their senses... but of course, that can't be possible...

You decided to then just remain still and try to remain as calm as possible... you can't be so erratic, since out of everyone, you should know best that being in a panic won't help the team at all...

'No...' you thought... 'They'll lose, if they don't act now...' you thought as you started getting worried... you were trying to keep yourself calm, but you can't seem to...

You then felt your head getting dizzy for some reason... and then...


You opened your eyes, only to be met with a familiar ceiling... you were in your room 'Haizz... just a dream' you thought as you sit up properly and stretched your body.

You looked at the alarm clock, and it showcases that it's already 6:17... if you don't act now, you'll totally be late, you thought

You fixed yourself and got ready for school, you lived alone but that didn't bother you...

You went out of the house and locked the door as you had a toast in your mouth, I mean, you couldn't afford to waste more time after all.

You placed the key inside your bag and went to school...

||Reader's POV||

Hey there, my name is (Reader) and I'm 16 years old. I'm in highschool currently, and I'm so frickin lonely...

I went in the gates of my school and ignored the people trying to ask people to get in their club, as I just continued walking...

I only minded my own business till something caught my eye, it was the soccer team, they were playing currently... I couldn't help but watch...

I realized I got to engrossed in watching them, I almost missed my first class, thank god I didn't. I already had enough of my teacher yelling at my face for being late once again... 

It would've been considered normal If I still had my position in the past, but I'm not like that anymore... I'm not apart of the team anymore...


School finished, and I'm going home now, I'm so tired... 'Should I cook dinner? Nah, too tired for that, I'll just buy some thing from the convenience store' I thought as I walked continuously

I walked to the convenience store until a loud scream startled me, I looked at the source of it only to see kids frightened, I then looked at who they were frightened about, and saw a boy, he seemed to be the same age as me.

He screamed so loudly... but despite that, his frustration somehow got to me, it was a familiar feeling of frustration. I pursed my lips and just went out of there and continued on my way.


I'm home and I prepared dinner, but I was stopped when a ring on my phone was heard... by me of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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