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to say you'd finally have money, after living in poverty in the far out ends of germany

seemed like all but something of a fairytale to you; something you'd dreamed of as a child.

it was late 2007, only but a blink of an eye and you'd be in 2008. you lived in a small apartment that made you quite cramped inside with all of your belongings. you weren't made of money, anything but close to being able to say you had money. you were one from low class, if you lost the job you worked now, you'd be homeless in a deserted alleyway.

rubbing your eyes as the sunlight slithers it's way in through your blinds, you sat up in your bed. after working for months, not spending your expenses on anything besides necessities and to be able to continue to live in your tight apartment... at that moment, you felt that reality was all but a blurb. you could finally do it, after being a fangirl and watching from a phone screen for years, you could buy yourself a tokio hotel concert ticket.

you sit up, running to the computer that was probably a month away from it's final touch on a key, and pull up the mouse you kept usually hidden away in a small drawer--you placed it on your desk and pulled up the website to purchase a ticket. it took awhile, the poor internet taking way and causing you already more troubles onto your plate.

but, placing everything that was burden to your shoulders aside, the ticket was finally in your grip--now, you just needed to figure out how you'd get there.

trying to hold back the screams of a young fangirl, you drew a breath and stood up, bending to your knees and praying your thankfulness to the gods above. you sat up, running a hand over your neck.

you moved back to your computer, a cheeky smile on the edges of your lips as you print out the ticket from your computer. the computer made a squawking noise as it printed out your now deemed prize possession. your gritted your teeth and ripped it from the printer as the final squeak escaped from the computer. you held it in your sweaty palms and smiled proudly.

finally, you'd be able to hear the SCREAM album without a low quality sound emerging into your ears.

you held your hand to your heart, grateful for what you had. you twisted your head to a 90 degrees angle and finally walked out to your kitchen, watching the printed ticket in poor quality fall to the table like a lightweight bird feather.

you prepared yourself a basic breakfast, leftover strawberries that you had doused in some sink water last night. you took a few bites of each strawberry, leaving the stem of the red fruit fall into the trashcan.

you squinted your eyes, your eyes still a bit blurry since you haven't properly awoken yet. you let your pajama pants droop loose. you bought a size too big for your waist.

you moved your eyes back over to the ticket, and you jumped, startled. you hadn't properly read the ticket over, and it turns out the concert was ...tonight?

you rubbed your eyes, thinking it was a bad eyesight haze since you didn't have your glasses on. you grabbed your classes from the counter on the side, and placed them onto your nose bridge.

"good god.." you groaned, the paper tightly gripped in your hand as you set it back down with the fears of crumpling it.

you walked over to your dresser. "well, i usually go without having a soul to impress, but i have someone to impress this time." you spoke proudly, your voice hinting with a bit of sarcasm to it.. you had to impress tom kaulitz, who most likely wouldn't even show even but a second lasting look at you.

you set out of pair of clothes. (you can choose what you wanna wear down here.)


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(i hope these are good choices~!!)

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(i hope these are good choices~!!)

you smiled, pleased with how well your style has grown. you held your hands on your hips and stepped inside a private area without windows to change. it only took a moment, but your makeup took awhile, making you grunt with annoyance each time you messed up. however, it looked good in the long run.

the sun was beginning to fall as you had been lousing around the cramped apartment for hours now, and you had just decided to finish up your attire by tying up your hair. you smiled, grazing your body over at your outfit. "cute.." you mumble to yourself.

you held your finger over the car keys that hung on your keyring in the entrance to your apartment. you exhaled, your teeth running over your nail as you bit your nail in anxiousness. you were starting to think of negative thoughts rather than positive. after smacking yourself in the side of your noggin, you faced reality and forced yourself out the door, but quickly ran back to the kitchen to grab the most important part of this whole day, the ticket.

now that you had everything, your bag, keys, water, and most importantly-your ticket, you were now ready to head the parking garage of the apartment and head out to a different part in germany. you felt yourself nervous each step you took to your car, even though you were hours away from the actual arena.

but all you knew was that in the end, despite all your stresses and thoughts you'd find yourself overthinking, it would be a fun night and you'd be ready for what ever weird path you'd come across and most importantly, the big goal was to catch the guitarist's attention tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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