You don't know the half of the abuse..

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R@pe, Pedophila, Manipulation, mentions of abuse, death, very implied r@pe, R@pe of a minor, and characters being drugged. (Idk how many R@pe TW's I'll need-)
15 year old Chuuya Nakahara had just been called to Mori's office, along with the one of the Mafia's newest members, 11 year old Gin Akutatgawa. Chuuya didn't think much of it. He got into the office and as normal, greeting Mori with a bow. Gin followed in the older males steps.
"Hello to you to Chuuya. And Gin! I hope the Mafia has been treating you well!" Mori says, faking happiness.
"It has sir.." Gin says, her voice sounding dead.
"I need to speak with Chuuya, you stay with Elise and play, ok?" Mori says.
"Yes sir." Gin says, standing up and going over to Elise.
Then Chuuya followed Mori into another room. A shot injected into his arm, clearly some sort of drug. He felt very weakened but he still could see and feel everything.
After that Mori walked back out, without Chuuya at his side. And handed Gin a very pretty dress.
"Gin dear, you wouldn't mind trying to on for me would you?" Mori says. Gin shakes her head no and leaves, before coming back sometime later. The young girl was wearing a lavender and white frizzy dress.
"Does this look ok Boss?" Gin says, in her normal dead voice.
"Perfect my dear." Mori says sadistically.
Gin knows something is wrong and is slowly getting more and more unnerved.
"Why hasn't Mr.Naka- I mean Chuuya-San came back yet..? He left with the boss..?" Gin thinks to themself. Chuuya and Gin had talked on the way to the office and Chuuya had just told Gin to refer to him by his first name. So she did as she was told. Gin looked around a bit, curious of her surroundings. She hadn't gotten to look around the base much and get familiar with it due to her being glued to her brothers side.
"Gin dear, why are you so attached to your brother?" Mori asks.
"Oh uh.. he's the only family I've ever had.. and I guess I'm scared of losing him.." Gin says, a little startled because she hadn't expected him to ask anything. Let alone that. Don't take her for a fool though, Gin had noticed Mori keeping a very close eye on the siblings. She thought it was because Mori hadn't fully trusted the two yet, which she understood. But she couldn't have been more wrong. It was because he liked the girl, and not in a good way. And she learned that fact on her 18th birthday. The same day as Chuuya's first failed mission in a while. He avoided using corruption even though he had to.
Chuuya had just got back from a mission, and he had failed, as stated earlier. He looks so nervous, that even Gin felt how scared Chuuya was. Then Mori had Chuuya follow him to a room. That's when Gin started to hear weird noises and slowly walked to the room. She peeked in unnoticed, she wanted to make sure Chuuya was ok. That's when she saw Mori injection of some kind.
"How many men died Chuuya.?" Mori asked.
"90.." Chuuya answered nervously.
"Very well then." Mori said, injecting the drug into Chuuya's neck. Chuuya let out a noise of surprise.
         "The drug should take full effect soon." Mori said and then he grabbed a scalpel. Next, Mori laid down Chuuya on the bed and put 90 cuts into different parts of Chuuya's body. That's when Gin had seen enough and left out of fear. But Mori saw her, and followed her.
"Gin. How much did you see.?" Mori asks the girl, who's clearly horrifed.
"Not very much.. Just you asking how many men he lost, then I left!" Gin says, lying.
"That's a Lie and we both know it." Mori said, pinning the young girls hand above her head. The bad thing is for Gin. They Were right next to Mori's office. Mori quickly dragged the Girl in there, locking the door. Gin backed away as much as she could. Mori still got her. And forcibly kissed her. She did everything she could in her power to kick him, but he had already de-armed her so there wasn't much she could do. The minute he broke the kiss she closed her mouth. She felt like she was going to vomit.
"How many others have you done this too.!?"Gin asks.
"Just You and Chuuya-Kun. Dazai-kun and Yosano-Chan had their own fun things to deal with~!" Mori says, with a sadistic happiness in his voice. Gin felt even more sick then before. Doing her best the thrash around. Mori then grabbed some sort of rope. She wasn't rational at all in this situation. As much as she normally was at least. She just wanted out. He tied her hands together above her head. Her first goal was to untie her hands. But it didn't work.
"Let me do This. You know, your brother and Tachiahra are supposed to be here in about two hours. If you let me make this quick I'll make sure they don't catch us. Because you know they'll think disgusting. And they will hate you." Mori said.
"Do You say these same things to Chuuya about the people he cares about.? I know they won't hate me." Gin says.
"Oh but they will. They will think of you as the whore you are and they won't want to be seen near you. Especially if someone catches us. News spreads fast in the mafia." Mori says.
"No.. they won't hate me..! I know they won't..!" Gin says, still keeping her ground but sounding more nervous and unsure.
"Oh but they will." Mori says, taking off Gin's coat and shirt. Then he grabs a scalpel and carves something into her stomach. Gin screams in pain as he does it.
After Mori was done with her he simply hid her under his desk as he got re-dressed and say down at his desk. Of course he cleaned up first. Gin wanted to get up and run. Clean herself. But that's when she had realized that it had been two hours and the door opened.
"Hello boss." Akutagawa said and bowed, Tachihara also bowed.
"Hello you two. I have a mission I'd like you two to preform together." Mori says. Gin covered her mouth as she cried. She didn't want to make any noise. She was genuinely scared they would hate her.
"I'm dirty now.. they are going to hate me.." Gin thinks to herself over and over again. Her whole body hurts. But especially her stomach and legs. She definitely didn't think she would be walking anytime soon. She hoped Chuuya wasn't still drugged in the other room.
"Yes Sir. Pardon me asking, but may we have details?" Akutagawa asks.
"Ah yes-! Apologizes. I was thinking about something and forgot to tell you!" Mori says.
"That's perfectly fine sir." Akutagawa says. Then she heard Mori start explaining the mission. She blocked him out though because she didn't want to hear his voice. After she realized he was done eaxplaining her heard her brother speak up once again.
"Boss, May I ask where Gin is, it's their birthday today and I haven't seen them at all.." Akutagawa asks.
"Oh! I haven't seen her at all either. I apologize for that Ryunosuke." Mori says.
"That's Ok Boss, thank you anyways." Akutagawa says.
"Of course, and you both are dismissed now." Mori says, the two boys nod and leave.
"Now, because you were so good here are you clothes." Mori says, handing the girl her clothes. She quickly puts them on and stands in front of the table. She didn't want to be in this office anymore.
"You are dismissed Gin." Mori says, gin nods and gets out of there as fast as he can.
With Chuuya, that's another story. He wasn't so lucky. He underwent many experiments before being raped. And he just spent 3 hours of being tortured.
Once Mori was done he allowed Chuuya to go, but due to all the new drugs in his system he couldn't move a muscle. So, to make Chuuya's luck worse. Mori stayed right by his side. Which screwed over Chuuya even more. And about 4 hours of laying there, Chuuya could finally Move again and finally left the room.

Gin and Chuuya as Mori Victims. AU FICWhere stories live. Discover now