Some comfort, Fluff

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TW:Mentions of R@pe and @buse
Gin ran to her and her brothers apartment. She didn't stop for even a second. And when she did burst in no one was there, which was good for her. She shut and locked the door, knowing her brother had a spare key. And went to her room to grab clothes for a shower. She then went into the bathroom and locked the door. Gin turned on the water and let it run as he got undressed and got in. She closed the curtain and sat in the shower. The water was burning her skin, but she didn't care. She washed her hair. But then the feeling of disgust creeped its way back when she thought of looking at her body. She grabbed a luffa and just rubbed her body raw as she once again started crying. She felt so disgusting. She didn't want to ever go back into that office. And even after the water started going cold she just sat in there, rubbing at her body, crying. That's when she heard a knock.
        "Hey Gin.. Are you ok..? I just got home and I heard you crying.." Akutagawa says through the door, sounding genuinely concerned for the well-being of his younger sister.
         "uh.. yeah! I'm ok! I'll be out in a minute!" Gin says, turning off the water and getting out, drying off her body and getting dresssed. That's when she saw it. "Whore" cut out in her stomach. That's what Mori carved in her stomach. She felt sick but put on her shirt. She was happy that everything was baggy. She then opened the door and put her things in the dirty clothes basket.
            "Are you ok Gin..?" Akutagawa asked. And that question broke the young girl once again. She broke down crying. Akutagawa was quick to hug the 18 year old.
          "I'm sorry..! I-I'm sorry..! Please don't h-hate me..! D-dont think I'm d-d-disgusting..!" Gin says, absolutely begging her brother.
          "What are you sorry for..? And why would you think I would see you as disgusting..?" Akutagawa says, slowly getting more worried about his younger sister.
        "The boss.. he.. he touched me.." Gin says, muttering that last part.
        "What.?" Akutagawa says.
         "Where.?" Akutagawa asks.
         "Everywhere..!" Gin says, starting to cry even more. Akutagawa holds her As she cries.
         "Is that why I couldn't find you..?" Akutagawa asks. Gin nods.
          "When you and Tachiahara g-got there I w-was under h-his d-desk... h-he h-had just finished.." Gin muttered. Akutagawa was mad. Way beyond mad. But comforting Gin was way more important to him right now.  
            "How about you sit on the couch and I'll get you some ice cream.. ok..?" Akutagawa says softly. Gin nods.
            "Chocolate right..?" Gin asks. Akutagawa nods. Gin goes and sits down. And Akutagawa prepares the ice cream. Then gives a bowl to his little sister and sits down next to her. She eats starts eating the ice cream happily.
          "What movie would you like to watch?" Akutagawa asks.
         "Hmm.. how about aladin!" Gin says happily. Akutagawa nods and turns it on. Gin finishes her ice cream pretty fast and sits it on the table and falls asleep right when 'friend like me' starts. Akutagawa lays Gin down, covering her up as she slept. He then put her bowl in the sink, washing it. And did the laundry so she wouldn't overwork herself the next day getting it done. He also did the dishes. He then called Yosano. Which Gin has confermed during the movie was ok to do. And tell her what happened.
         "Hello? Yosnano here, how many I help you?" Yosnano says.
        "Hello.. Mori.. he raped my little sister.. I want you to check up on her tommorow.. if you could.." Akutagawa says.
        "Of course I can. Who is this?" Yosnano asks.
         "Ryunosuke Akutagawa." Akutagawa says.
         "Ok Akutagawa. I'll help your sister, just see me at 12:pm tommorow." Yosnano says.
          "Ok, thank you." Akutagawa says.
          "Of course," Yosnano says before ending the call.
The next day Gin wakes up and gets ready, and Ryunosuke was already completely ready. Ryunosuke checked the time and it was 11:20am.
            "Lets get going Gin" Akutagawa says.
            "Where?" Gin asks.
            "The ADA, I scheduled an appointment with their doctor for 12:pm." Akutagawa says. Gin nods and they both leave.
Once they make it to the ADA, it's 11:59. Two Akutagawa knocks. Gin starts fidgeting out of nervousness.
              "It will be ok Gin." Akutagawa says. Gin nods. Then Atsushi answers. Just their luck.
               "AKUTAGAWA?!" Atsushi yells.
              "Shut it Jinko. I need to see your doctor lady." Akutagawa says. Then he sees Yosano.
              "Oh hello Akutagawa! Is your sister with you?" Yosano says.
              "Yes she is." He says. Atsushi let's the two in.
               " follow me" she says. Akutagawa nods and the two follow her.
                "Sense this is a rape test you will have to sit out here because your a guy." Yosano says.
               "Rape test?!" Atsushi thinks to himself as he accidentally overheard.
               "Yes ma'am." Akutagawa says as he goes to the room with walls. Then Yosano leads Gin into the infirmary and shuts the door.
                "All he told me was what Mori did.." Yosano says.
                "He also did this.." Gin says, lifting her shirt to reveal the word that Mori cut into her stomach. Yosnano was shocked.
                "Are you sure you are safe with the boss..?" Yosano asks. Gin shakes her head.
                 "I know I'm not.. but there's another victim.. and I can't leave him alone.." Gin says.
                 "Who's the other victim.. I can send someone to go get them.." Yosano says.
                 "It's Chuuya-San.. and he gets drugged as well.." Gin says. Yosnano is shocked, but also pissed.
                  "I'll send Dazai after him.. but let's finish you checkup first." Yosano says, Gin nods.
After the checkup Gin goes to her brother who's fighting with the were-tiger.
                  "Ryuu-"  Gin says.
                   "Hello Gin" Akutagawa says.
                   "Oh come on" Atsushi says.
                   "Shush jinko." Akutagawa says
                    "WHAT DID I DO.?" Atsushi yells.
                     "Exist." Akutagawa says. Gin starts laughing. That's when Gin looks over and Sees Yosano talking to Dazai. And Dazai clearly is pissed. And the next thing is does is run out of the ADA. Gin knew exactly where he was going.
The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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