423 19 14

The Pack House

Two months ago

"There's no need to be alarmed, you're not in any trouble. This time" Lucenzo winks at me, squeezing me into his side one last time; before releasing me to sit in one of the comfy chairs facing his desk.
In the other sits a man I haven't seen before; well built with tanned skin and light brown hair tied up to give an unobstructed view of his perfectly crafted face. He exudes power, dominance and confidence - the telltale signs of an Alpha, but his hazel eyes are kind as they look over at me. "This is Alpha Myo Arcas, from Arcadia" my eyes flick back to Uncle Enzo in question. I've heard about the Arcas', they're one of the most formidable Were packs left in the realm.

Enzo smiles back at me in a kind of way that lets me know that I'm safe, it helps me to relax somewhat but something in the back of my mind tells me that I'm not going to like whatever this is. He glances up at my Aunt Elora "He's here to talk to you about your mother"
I knew I wouldn't like it.

Instantly, I feel my throat begin to close up with emotion. I don't like thinking about her, never mind talking about her. She disappeared when I was around five years old and ever since I've been treated like an outcast by the Pack; the wolfless weirdo with no family or friends, tormented by the other kids, gossiped about by the adults and practically shunned by the entire community. It changed a little when Enzo and El took me in and their kids took to protecting me, especially Luca - but whenever they weren't around to see or hear.. it would start again.
Sensing my tension, Alpha Myo on my left finally says
"Hello Theia".

"I know you don't like to talk about her sweetheart, but it's important that you listen to Alpha Myo with an open mind" Aunt El suddenly at my side, crouches, taking one of my hands in hers. "Your Mum is alive baby, but she's been unable to get away from those who took her away from us" I sense a lie, but I don't question her.
"There was an incident a few weeks ago, Meredi- your Mum was able to get a message to me-" this Alpha Myo begins "Why?" I know I shouldn't interrupt an Alpha but I can't help myself "Why would she send a message to you and not to me?" he's a little shocked at my outburst but he doesn't chastise me for cutting in.
"She didn't know if anything could be tracked. So, for your safety it was better to contact me than you directly" it all seems a little fishy to me, but going along with it all is the only way I'm going to get the details.. "Ok, what did she say? What was the message?"

Fifteen minutes later

The video stops and I can't move, trying to piece together everything the woman on screen said. The frame's frozen on her puffy, blotchy face with her eyes full of tears; and I can't help but fixate on how different she is from what I remember. Still youthful and beautiful, but tired and withdrawn. As if every breath is an effort for her.
Her voice has lost the musicality I remember, there's no joy or optimism left. Only a notable sadness and disconnect that I felt penetrate me through the screen.
She's even more broken than I am.

I feel myself reflecting on all of the times I spent hating her for leaving me. For going on that hunt that day and never returning. For making me an orphan, the punchline of so many jokes and the victim of so many pranks. For missing all of my birthdays and festivals, for all of those times I cried for her and she never came, the times when all I wanted was one of her hugs, but all I had was my tearstained pillow.
None of it was her fault. I hated her and cursed her for something she couldn't stop from happening.

Enzo's smell engulfs me as I feel his tattooed hand lay comfortingly on my shoulder, as Elora draws tiny circles on the top of my hand. If it weren't for these two werewolves I wouldn't have known any kindness at all. "It's ok sweetheart, let it all out" Elora coo's and that's when I realize that I'm crying.
Damn it I hate crying in front of people.

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