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With Izuku still in his transformation, now spotlighted, slowly swims away as Jonah's ship barrels towards him. He reaches a hunk of driftwood and turns his eye-stalks to see the oncoming threat.

"Aw, come on, come on! Dry off!" Izuku says while flapping his wings to dry them faster.

Baring closer, one of Jonah's crew stands with a turret, firing toward him. Izuku frantically looks around him for a means of escape, he sees a hanging branch and spits a streak of goo, hitting it. As the ship is about the hit him, he slurps the goo, projecting himself up to safety, as the driftwood was blasted into bits after being hit by the boat.

Circling the boat and looking around with a spotlight, unable to find Izuku who was hiding behind the branch, but seeing a fin in the water.

"It's getting too crowded around here. (Shining a light on an unconscious Shaw.) Dump the trash overboard" Jonah said to his crew as Captain Shaw was thrown overboard as Jonah and his crew boat away. Stinkfly, hovering above the water's surface, grabs Shaw before he sinks. He flies towards land, seeing the Rust Bucket on the shore.

"Almost there!" He says this but unfortunately the emblem that was on his face begins to flash red which alerted Izuku in a panic.

Shina peers through the binoculars, searching for Izuku.

"Any sign of Izuku and Shaw?" Inko asked Shina who only shooked her head.

Until she along with Inko heard the sound of a familiar timing sound and looked up to see Izuku in one of his transformations who soon transformed back I to his human self and screamed while making sure the unconscious Shaw was close to him.

As soon as they both fall towards where the Rustbucket was and landed on its sunshade, Izuku had a sigh of relief.

"Oh man thank God I'm not a human pancake"

Right now from Inside the Rustbucket was where we see Izuku talking while Shina was busy tapping her keys in her laptop.

"...and the Krakken's nest was full of eggs! No wonder she's been attacking everything, Jonah must be stealing her eggs!" Izuku said this with Shina getting their attention to see what she just found on her laptop.

"And I think I know who Jonah is. I did a little checking on "Friends of Fish" and found out it's not listed on any environmental website. But I did find this" while she turns her laptop so the others can see.

"Jonah Melville isn't a friend to any kind of wildlife, he travels around the world poaching rare animals. then crates them up, and sells them to private collectors."

"Crates them up"? This made Izuku's eyes widen. Oh man! I bet that crate, the Krakken took off their boat, had her egg in it!

"Looks like we were both, a little too hard headed." Inko said towards her son who nodded his head at that but had a serious look look his face.

"We've got to stop them! They said something about going back to a cannery."

But Shaw saw things differently,"All this talk doesn't change a thing. Mommy or not, that beast is mine. Let's go! I've a spare boat down at the docks."

Inko, Izuku and Shina exchange glances, then ran to follow Shaw.

Shina then clicked a button on her phone with a sigh.

Izuku 10Where stories live. Discover now