r e a l i t y

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Blaise knocked on Ginny's apartment door. Hermione answered. 

"Hey, Blaise! She's almost ready, you can step inside." Hermione greets him with a knowing smile. 

Blaise returns the smile with a Slytherin smirk, and waits in the foyer. Ginny comes running over. 

"Blaise! Hi! Wow, you look amazing!" Ginny compliments with a bright smile. 

Blaise's heart starts doing somersaults because Ginny looks so beautiful. 

"I think you just took his breath away," Hermione says. "Give him a second to regenerate."

 Ginny laughs, and Blaise glares at her. 

"I think it's time for you two to leave. Go, get out!" Hermione says with a smile. 

Blaise offers his arm to Ginny which she takes. Together, they walk out of the apartment. 


"So where are we going?" Ginny asks once she's settled in the car.

"It's a surprise." Blaise grins. 

"Come on, Blaise! Tell me." Ginny pushed. 

"Nope," he said, popping the 'p' on purpose.  

Ginny huffed. "Fine."

Blaise pulled into a drive-in movie theater. 

Ginny's eyes widened and she looked at Blaise in shock. "No..."

"Yes," Blaise smiled, and helped Ginny out of the car. Ginny didn't let go of his hand when she hopped out of the car. She smiled, and interlaced their fingers. 

Blaise was 100% sure that Ginny could hear his heart beating at this point. They walked over to concessions to get snacks before the movie started. 

They piled their snacks onto the table and waited for the guy to finish ringing up their snacks. 

"$10.27." The guy said, looking incredibly bored. 

Blaise reached into his back pocket for his wallet, but then seemed to realize it was missing. "Shit, I left my wallet in the car. I'll be back." 

Blaise took off for the car, running at top speed. Ginny turned to the guy at the cash register, and pulled a $20 bill out of her purse. 

By the time Blaise got back, Ginny was leaning against the concession stand, holding all their snacks. 

"Ginerva Weasley, tell me you didn't pay for those." Blaise groaned. 

Ginny smirked, and handed him his snacks. "I wasn't going to make people wait in line." 

Blaise took them. "That's not what I had planned. I'm sorry you had to pay." 

Ginny rolled her eyes and laughed. "Blaise, you don't have to apologize." 

She kissed his cheek, and then started walking towards the truck. 


During the movie, Ginny interlaced their hands again. Blaise remembered Hermione's words. Ask Ginny out before she asks you out. 

"Gins?" Blaise whispered. 

"Yeah?" She whispered back, still looking at the movie. 

Blaise gently takes her chin, and turns her head so she's looking at him. Then he presses his lips to hers. 

Ginny kisses back immediately. He hears her set down her water bottle, and feel her head move to cup his face. 

Blaise ran his fingers through her red hair, feeling how soft it was. 

They pull away, and Ginny bites her lip. 

"Do you want to go out with me?" Blaise asks. 

Ginny crosses her arms and huffs. "I was going to ask you." 

Blaise grins, and kisses her. "When they ask, I'll say you asked me out."

She grins back. "Good, but I'd love to be your girlfriend."

"And I'd love to be your boyfriend." 

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