Chapter 16

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My feet clicked on the street sidewalk as I walked towards the casino. The encounter in the elevator tucked far in my mind for future reference. I had a job to do now and I had to stay focused. The building I was headed to was easy to spot.

It was huge and the front had what seemed to be millions of lights, both blinding and attracting. The Nova glowed in pretty gold at the top of the building. There were lots of people tonight, most were tourists who stopped to take pictures, others were business men rushing to office and a cute couple passing by once in a while.

Most of the things I saw were new to me. The cars, the phones, the girls who walked around wearing revealing clothes and gay couples that weren't afraid to show their passion for one another in public. These were just a few of the things.

Men's eyes followed me as I walked to the casino. I was aware of the attention and knew how to handle myself if one of the idiots decided to get a little handsy. I reached the casino, walking up the staircase to the front entrance that beckoned me.

There were two buff guards standing at attention. I strolled over, slightly awed at the place. Just slightly.

"Your bag for checking, ma'am," one of the guards said. I smiled at him.

"Of course," I said, pulling out my phone and handing over my purse.

They took my purse, running it through a metal scanner. It didn't beep. One, because the gun inside was made mostly of plastic. Something I didn't know could even be done.

"Walk through the detector, ma'am. If you have anything valuable on you, I suggest you take them out now," the man said. I put my phone in the container they slid to me, walking through the detector. Nothing. No beep.

The gun on me too was made of plastic and the blade was made of stainless steel. It was one of the most difficult metals to locate with a metal detector because steel has poor electrical conductivity and also has low magnetic permeability. Something small I had picked up.

"You can go in," the guard said.

"Thank you, boys," I said, grabbing my stuff with a smile. "Have a good night."

I pushed the glass door open, walking through the lobby in front of me, the casino entrance beckoned. God, I was so close but I had another round of security to go through.

I was sure to keep my head down and not look up at the ceiling. It was covered with well lit domes that I was sure hid all sorts of cameras. The entrance alone had five or six, others scattered about.

The hacker kid, Jay, told us that they run sophisticated facial recognition software with them to look for those who are blacklisted and suspicious motions. I had seen where they all pointed, I knew how I had to hide.

The men guarding the entrance watched me as closely as I neared. I smiled shyly but sweetly and they opened the door to let me in. The sounds of gambling and the constant undertone of the slot machines hit me like a train as I looked around the bright colored room.

I noticed no one talked much. The gamblers around were serious and focused on their machines. Most of the players were old, their grey hair sticking out more than the dark and light colored youthful tones. In the center of the casino, guarded by rows and rows of slots, I located the games where Elliott would be most likely in the next half hour. There was poker, roulette, blackjack and many more.

With the small shy smile on my face, I was like an outcast. Everyone here either look angry or joyfully sinister. I understood why. Gambling is a serious business. No matter how much money you gained or lost, there is always another bet. The feeling of desperation is thick here, silently taunting someone to make a choice to lay all their money down. They were being milked like cows. A lot of them.

I was surprised people actually found fun in this. Some walked laughing and boasting as they won or stumbled around drunk because they were here for serious business and needed to cool off. Here, I could closely see how the games become addictive as people betted more than they could give, slowly ruining their lives.

I shook my head, walking over to the bar. I may spend lots of time here. Something I wasn't really mad about when I saw the sexy bartender. I settled down on one of the seats as I watched him work. He had a coffee brown hair and pale skin.

Lisa's was midnight black and her skin was tan. The bartender didn't have any tattoos like Lisa did. Why am I comparing him to Lisa anyway?

The bartender finally turned to me.

"What can I get you?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing. I didn't really come with any money," I said shyly, looking down and playing with the end of my sleeve. "I'm just waiting for someone,"

"That doesn't mean you can't have some fun. Tell me what you want. My treat," the bartender said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude," I said, looking up at him and biting my lip.

"It's no issue, sweetheart. Why don't I make you one of my favorite drinks?" the bartender offered.

"That sounds lovely. Thank you," I said giving him a bright smile. He smiled back, giving me a nod before he went to work.

That ladies, is how you manipulate a man to get whatever you want. They were so easy. They all wanted a damsel in distress to make them feel important. Mostly, these macho assholes. The bartender came back with my free drink.

"Thanks," I said, twirling the drink in the glass before taking a sip. It was both sweet and strong.

"This is great!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Thanks sweetheart. Glad you like it," he said, throwing the cloth from his hands over his shoulder. He gave me a wink before backing away and going back to work.

I rolled my eyes behind his back as he worked on other people. I sipped my drink, my eyes scanning the casino for my target. I wasn't lying though. The drink was great but I shouldn't be underage drinking. I looked at my drink, the thought of putting it down coming to my mind. Should I really drink during the mission?


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