Chapter two

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"So what are you saying, Sebastian?" I said, irritated.

"God damn, Y/N, I would simply set the world on fire if only to keep you warm," Sebastian said before he kissed me.
A kiss that took me by surprise. Just a second ago, we literally stood and screamed at eachother.
I would lie if I said that I didn't want this. I have been waiting for this moment for years.

I froze for a second of shock, then I found myself kissing Sebastian back.

When our lips met, it was like being struck by lightning, like electricity coursing through my body.

His hands around my waist and my hands grabbing into his swirly hair. It was like all the tension and anger from earlier just melted away in that moment.

His lips were like a warm, soft embrace, and as they met mine, I felt my heart skip a beat.
When his tongue met mine, I couldn't help but let out a moan, lost in the passion of the moment. The sound seemed to drive him wild, and before I knew it, he had lifted me up, continuing to kiss me with a newfound intensity.

Our kiss went from soft and gentle to feverish, and I found myself grabbing onto his neck, desperate for more.
As he pulled away from our kiss, he began to trail kisses down my neck, his hand tangled in my hair while the other held me up.
I couldn't help but let out a silent moan, lost in the sensation of his lips on my skin.
For a moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the room, lost in our own little bubble of love and desire.

And as I looked up at Sebastian, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be, wrapped up in his arms and lost in his embrace.

As we continued to kiss, I could feel the world around us fade away, leaving only Sebastian and me in our own little bubble of desire. Despite the whispers of my name in the background, I didn't care. In that moment, all that mattered was him.

I couldn't believe that I was kissing Sebastian Sallow, the boy I had been crushing on for what felt like forever.

I felt like I was finally getting what I had been waiting for, and it was everything and more I had hoped it would be.

After what felt like an eternity of kissing, Sebastian and I stopped to catch our breaths. When I looked up at him, I saw that he was already gazing at me with his hazel brown eyes. His soft smile melted my heart and I knew I was completly his.

A million questions raced through my mind.
Had I just kissed my best friend?
What did it mean? Why did he kiss me? Did he have feelings for me? I felt confused and shocked about what had just happened between us.

All I knew is that things between us had changed forever.

As I looked around the room, I couldn't help but notice the shocked expressions on everyone's faces.
But Sebastian being Sebastian, he didn't let it faze him. Instead, he looked at the people who were staring and then swooped down to kiss me again.

The world around us seemed to fade away as his lips met mine, sending shivers down my spine. I almost lost my balance, but he caught me by the waist, pulling me in closer. I couldn't help but let out a giggle.

As he whispered in my ear, his breath hot against my skin, I felt a rush of excitement course through my body.
"Oh, did you enjoy that?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

I could barely contain myself as I stammered out my response. "Y-yes," I managed to say, feeling my cheeks flush with heat.

"I have been longing for this moment, Y/n," he said, his voice filled with passion and desire.

If it weren't for all the people around us, I could stand here forever with Sebastian. His mere presence was enough to make my heart skip a beat and if it were possible, I would never take my eyes off him.
He was absolutely gorgeous, with tousled brown hair that fell perfectly over his forehead, piercing hazel eyes that seemed to look right through me, and a jawline sharp enough to cut through diamonds.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as I looked at him, feeling my heart swell with love and admiration.
In that moment, it felt like the rest of the world didn't even exist, like it was just the two of us standing there, lost in each other's gaze.

Poppy came in and broke the silence in the room, except for the music that was playing in the background. "Well, that was about time!" she exclaimed.

Sebastian burst out laughing and I followed short after.

"I agree Poppy, it was about damn time" He said with warmth in his voice.

I was speechless. I just stood there like a drunk moron, hanging on every word he said. Hoping he wouldn't disappear.

Ominis joined the conversation that was going on between Poppy and Sebastian.
Although I was there, I didn't hear anything. All I could think about was when Sebastian's lips met mine.

If it weren't for Ominis, I could have stayed there the whole night.

"Sebastian, I think it's time for Y/n to go to bed," he said to Sebastian, worried.

"Come here, love. It's time for bed" he said as he kissed my cheek, which made me to wake up from my thoughts.

"What?" Slipped out of my mouth.
"It's time to go to bed now." Sebastian said softly.

"No, I don't want to. I'm not even tired." I protested, my eyes locked on his.

Sebastian's eyes were filled with love and understanding. "I know, my love," he said gently. "But the night is over, and it's time to rest. We can stay here a little longer if you like, but eventually, we'll need to go."

But I didn't care about the party ending. I didn't want to leave Sebastian.

When it was time for Sebastian to follow me up to my bed, his owl came crashing in with a letter.
We all looked confused. What could possibly be so important at this hour?

Sebastian read the letter and looked terrified.
"What's happening, Sebastian?" I asked in panic. "It's from the hospice where my sister is. They say it's urgent. I have to go."

Sebastian looked over to Ominis and said, "Ominis, can you help Y/n to bed?"
Ominis nodded, and then Sebastian disappeared.

Perhaps I should provide with an explanation.

Sebastian has a twin sister named Anne who is extremely sick.

I found myself help Sebastian in our fifth year, who was desperately searching for a cure for his twin sister Anne. She had been cursed by an evil entity known as Ragnarok, and Sebastian was willing to do whatever it took to help her.

What set me apart from the others was that I possessed ancient magic that could potentially help us find a cure for Anne. We worked tirelessly, battling through every obstacle and beast that crossed our path, until we finally found a cure for poor Anne.

However, our success was short-lived. Sebastian's uncle, Mr.Sallow, didn't want Anne to take the cure. In a fit of rage, he destroyed the only cure that existed. Sebastian was beyond furious; he had gone to great lengths to find a cure for his beloved sister, and now it was all for nothing.

If blood could boil inside you, it did inside Sebastian.
The anger inside Sebastian was palpable. His eyes turned red, and I had never seen anyone so consumed with rage, not even my worst enemy.
It was a truly terrifying moment, and Sebastian was truly terrifying in that moment.

Sebastian was filled with anger when he saw his uncle destroy the only cure, and in his rage, he threw the unforgivable killing spell.
His uncle fell to his knees and then hit the ground, while Ominis shouted "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" to Sebastian.

I still remember the sound of his uncle's scream that echoed in the air as his life left his body.

Following that incident, Sebastian never quite seemed like himself again.
It was like dark thoughts had taken root inside him and was trying to grow stronger every day.

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