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(Im gonna do a vote for what your son and daughters name is)





ME AND MY HUSBAND had two kids that were alike but different at the same time. D/n (daughter's name) was like robin, he got in a lot of fights, had bad grades, and he smoked. Other than that S/n (son's name) got into less fights and got good grades. At some point in would be the opposite with their grades. I knew why because my son vented to me it was something about her ADHD.

Anyways, my son was in his room probably drawing on something since he wants to become a fashion designer. Our front door opened, it revealed my daughter and a boy? I wasn't confused or anything.
"Who's this?" I asked. "This is my friend.." D/n said nervously. "Hm. Alright dinner's gonna be ready in a few." I said as they ran upstairs. I walked in the kitchen to see Robin cutting up the vegetables. "Hey.." I said as I wrap my arms around his waist. "You sound nervous, what's up?" Robin asked. "D/n came in with a boy." I said. "Oh, it's gonna be ok. It's not like she's gonna be pregnant." He rolled his eyes playfully. "You're right, I mean we're here so, what could happen?" I said as I kissed his hand softly


Me and Robin went upstairs to tell the kids dinner was ready. We went to D/n's room first. As we open the door we saw them making out. "Oh Jesus!" Robin said as he rests his head on the door frame. "What the hell?" I question "get out!" My daughter yelled. "Don't yell at us like that!" Robin says. She slammed the door in our faces. "Oh...D/N ABRE ESTA PUTA PUERTA AHORA"

"VETE A LA MIERDA" D/n yelled through the door. "That's it.." Robin mumbled and opened the door pulled D/n my her shirt, and dragged her down stairs "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?" He yelled as he raised his hand, signaling he was going to hit her. "NOthiNg! I take it back! I take it back! I'm sorry." She begged as tears formed in her eyes, her voiced cracked from of how scared she was. "I'm not gonna hit you, but I swear it I'll hit you if you disrespect me or your  mother!" Robin said. "I'll just leave.." the boy said as we walked downstairs and left. "Sit and eat." Robin said as he let go of D/n's shirt. "Woah, what happened?" S/n asked "D/n yelled at dad." I said. "Her stupid ass" S/n said "Go sit and eat dinner."

As everyone went to go sit down and eat Robin kept death staring D/n. She noticed and said "Can you stop looking at me like that?" Robin didn't answer and swallowed his food "no" he said afterwards. "Ok I don't get it!" D/n said as she slammed her hands on the table. "You were just like me when you were little what's wrong with that? I mean you turned out just fine" She said. Robin put his fork down and sat back. "That's because of your mother, you wouldn't even been alive if it wasn't for her" Robin said. "Ugh, this is bullshit!" D/n said. "D/n, thats enough." i said "But-" "not another word" i said as i cut her off. She makes a frown and runs to her room. I take a deep breath and walk upstairs.

SHE SPEAKS this wasnt my idea it was K1SSES-FOR-U idea all the credit is for Nova! Go follow her! Cliffhanger 😈

629 words!

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