Episode 13: Fired!

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Once Team Wario arrive shows Eggman the bag they have to Bowser and Eggman

Wario: gentlemen we got the emeralds from those chumps!

Bowser: how many of those gems did you mannage to bag?

Waluigi: oh nothing just-a maybe.... 6!

Dr Eggman: what?! Yes! Yes! We finally have all of them!

Boshi: don't forget their heavier than they look

Dr Eggman: well then what are you waiting for? Show us your findings already!

Wario: alright! Behold!

Team Wario opens the bag only to find rocks in it

Team Wario-Bowser-Eggman: what?!

Wario: we- we lost-a them! But- but how?!

Waluigi: They must've-a done the old switcharoo

Dr Eggman: unbelievable! You bumbling morons had 1 simple task! And yet you STILL failed!

Wario: now come on guys we can-a still make up for this-a little setback. We'll just find them again and we'll-

Bowser: you lost to the heroes! You lost the emeralds! And I have lost my patience!

Boshi: I'm guessing we're fired then

Waluigi: your not gonna flame us to death are you?!

Wario: or feed us to chain chomps?!

Bowser: no your not fired. We have something for you. Right Eggman

Dr Eggman: correct Bowser. Right this way gentlemen

They head outside to a big warp pipe

Wario: uhh... what's in it?

Dr Eggman: just climb in and you'll see

One by one Team Wario get in.

Dr Eggman: care to do the honours Bowser?

Bowser: you bet! See ya chumps!

Dr Eggman: have a nice trip

Wario: OH MY GOD!!!

Bowser then pushes a button and they all get shot out and are sent flying into the sky


Bowser: can't believe this! Army Bro failed, The Koopa Bros failed, the Wario Bros failed, do all our minions fail!

Dr Eggman: I think we should let your children and Metal Sonic handle this one?

Bowser: good idea

Later that night Team M&S set up camp for the night

Mario: hey Shadow. I just-a wanted to thank you for helping me out with-a Wario earlier. I really needed that

Sonic: yeah. When we work together anything is possible

Shadow: don't mention it at all. Hey ya know Peach right?

Mario: yes?

Shadow: she reminds me of an old friend of mine. She died a long time ago. I failed to save her. I never forgave myself after that day. I wanted revenge on the humans for her demise

Sonic: that WAS until I came along. We became friends and me and the others showed Shadow that it wasn't what Maria would want

Shadow: anyways your lucky to have Peach, Mario

Mario: thanks-a. I would travel to the ends of the earth just-a for her safety

Knuckles: so there's more of your kind out there?

Yoshi: yup. It gets pretty crowded on my island. But I moved to Mario's house because he's my best friend. I will make sure he's never lonely

Tails: so you rely on coins as currency?

Luigi: pretty much-a. A bit-a different from those-a rings you mentioned.

Tails: true

Just then lighting struck

Tails: AHHHH!!!

Luigi: what's wrong Tails?

Sonic: he's afraid of thunderstorms Luigi

Knuckles: we need to find a place to sleep or will be soaked

Mario: I think I saw a cave not too far from-a here. Let's head there

They head to the cave

Yoshi: so where to next?

Mario: we take-a the fight straight to Bowser's

Sonic: don't forget Eggman. Who knows what there planning. But for now I think we should get some sleep

Back at the castle Peach and Amy have gathered heroes such as Team Chaotix, Mighty, Ray, Pauline, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong and a few others

Mighty: alright so we're here now. What's the plan?

Ray: yeah! I'm hoping we can get some action!

Peach: well I'm glad you boys asked. Bowser and Eggman must be planning something big. We must prevent that from happening

Amy: we're gonna take the fight straight to the both of them, buying Mario and Sonic enough time to defeat them!

Peach: so we must stand together! Who's with me?!

Heroes: WE ARE!!

Peach: then let's go!

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