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Many years ago there was a serial killer on the lose. After each kill there was always a puzzle behind. Who is this killer? They found out that she had long black hair, ice blue eyes that showed no emotion, and was always wearing a white jacket stained red from the blood of her previous kills. Apparently...she started to be called Boogie Woogie Wu, after the famous Boogie Man, and because she only hunted at night.
Boogie is a 17 year old shizophenic serial killer. The voices first started when she was four.
Her dad was holding Boogie close. She had her head resting on his chest. Then she heard them.
She sat up and looked at her father looking confused. Her father just smiled and laid her head back on his chest. Snuggling close her mind off of what happened she got comfortable.
Don't move.
Boogies eyes shot up yet she couldn't move a muscle.
I am someone you should listen to.
She questioned the voice only in her mind, unsure if she should trust this unknown voice.
Because I am you.
Youre me? Then how am I talking to you?
Because. I live here in your brain. I'm not so powerful right now so I'm not in charge. So I need your help.
What do I need to do.
I need you to obey me okay?
Call me Havoc, darling.
Did you need something Havoc? I need to sleep.
Actually yes. Can you kill your daddy for me?
Boogie was appalled. Kill her dad. But then she was getting up.
"Where you going sweetie?" Her dad asked as she got off his lap.
"Imma get my sippy cup." She said not turning to her father.
As she got in the kitchen she saw a knife. Emotionless she grabbed it and shoved it down her pant leg into the tip of her shoe. The fluffy pj pants counselled the knife. Grabbing her sippy she walked toward her room.
"Going to bed darling." Boogies fatger says.
She nods.
"I'll come tuck you in." He says.
She just gets into bed and takes the knife out of her pants. Her father walks in and leans down to her tucking her in. She holds out her arm for a hug hiding the knife under her pillow. Her father leans down to hugs her and as her hand cupped around the pack of his neck she pulled him close and pressed the knife to his throat. She pulled sideways and slit his throat easily, being a fit little girl.
Blood poured onto her bed soaking the little girls blankets. She smiled as the smell of rust filled her nose. Boogie loved the smell of blood. She slid out from her dead fathers body she walked to her mothers room.
The little girl forced tears and made it sound like she was crying. The mother not fully asleep heard her daughters cry and ran over. Kneeling down the little girl stabbed her in the chest causing the older lady to fall. The little girl climbed onto the woman and started stabbing her repeatedly, blood spraying on her face as she hits her mothers artery. She climbed off the dead corpse.
We need to leave. The cops will come and take you to a very bad place.
The girl takes off into the night. Every year for the past 17 years there have been hundreds of murders. But people still kept moving there. Like...Rose Chample.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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