Chapter 30~ The Abyssals Sortie

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The Northern Atlantic Princess, known to her queen as Hopo, couldn't hide her grin even if she tried at the sight of the combined fleets. Her Queen and the Queen of all Abyssals, The Lone Princess, the former RMS Olympic, stood beside her, a similar grin on her face. If it wasn't for her unnaturally blue eyes and pale skin, the latter could almost pass as human. That fact had come in handy in the past. Few Abyssals were privy to the true inner workings of their society but the Northern Atlantic Princess was one of the privileged few who knew just how old her companion was. For decades she had lain in wait, absorbing the fear and hatred of humanity until the time came to break down the barriers between this world and the next. From those cracks came the Abyssals. Everything that came after was inevitable.

"Are we ready then?" She asked.

"Yes, your majesty." The Atlantic Princess answered. "The fleets are gathered and awaiting your command."

It hadn't been easy getting here. Olympic lost two escort vessels to kanmusu submarines but her luck against the undersea creatures had held and she'd managed to make a safe arrival despite three unexploded torpedoes digging into her side. "Make the final preparations Hopo dear." She ordered. "We shall move against my former master's homeland first. You will lead one fleet through the ice into the North Sea. I shall make a run into the channel and join up with you off Calais. Our combined career fleets will decimate the airfields on both sides."

Hopo's grin was bloodthirsty as she agreed. They had waited long enough for their revenge. Olympic had waited long enough. It was time to make certain the world knew and would never forget the pain it had caused them.

In New Jersey, Carroway's office door burst open and Tang ran in with Wahoo close behind. The pair were sopping wet and dripping seawater all over his carpet but he ignored the urge to scold them when he saw panicked look on their faces. "What is it?" He demanded.

"It's the Lone Princess, sir." Tang gasped air as she spoke. "She's joined with the NAP."

"How did she get past you?" Carroway growled.

"It wasn't our fault!" Wahoo spoke up now and the frustration in her voice was clear. "We sunk two of her escorts and put three fish into her but for some reason they didn't detonate."

"Olympic was known to be immune to torpedoes." Tang added, also annoyed but a thoughtful look crossed her face.

"And what's the situation now?" Carroway feared he knew. Intel had pointed to this possibility for months, given the NAP's tendency to surprise convoys off the Irish coast.

"They've sortied sir. I watched them leave Reykjavik. They're headed for Britain." Wahoo said.

Horror didn't even begin to describe what Carroway felt. "God help them." He whispered.

Constitution entered with a polite knock on the half open door. "I heard a commotion sir..." She broke off when she saw the two submarines and her admiral's face. "What happened?" Her gaze turned steely.

"Summon the fleet into the briefing room. And I mean everyone. We don't have much time." Carroway ordered. Constitution was too professional to ask questions. She simply nodded and left, but not quickly enough to hear him add quietly "I just hope we aren't too late."

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