@_Part Four_@

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(EDITED(2024 me)

Neteyams pov:

Ugh where is this freaking class neteyam thought walking though the halls only looking at the numbers on the doors not looking in front of him to see where he was going. He hadnt realised there was a boy directly infront of him until he ramed into the poor kids back. "Damn! Watch where your fucking going!" The boy practicly yelped whiping around to face neteyam. "Oh my god! Im so sorry i didnt mean to i was watching where i was going!" neteyam explained feeling incredibly bad. "Yeah, clearly is your head made of steel?!" he said poking neteyams head. "No its not" neteyam paused he hadnt got a good look at the boy, he was incredibly tall much taller than he. He had black curly hair pulled into a lose man bun perched on the top of his head. He had the most vibrant electric blue eyes, they were so bright practically piercing through neteyams eyes. He was also tan and incredibly muscular it was clear he went to the gym. For some reason neteyam thought he was kinda hot. Damn is all he thought "Hellooo?" the taller boy said waving his hand in front of neteyams face. ''Huh? Oh sorry!" he said feeling his face flush, he looked down in embarrassment. "Its fine i guess.. Are you knew i have never seen you around before. Also you have a accent?" he asked. "Yeah im new i just moved from africa!" he said looking back up. "Hm cool, what class do you have?" he asked. "Uhmm" neteyam grabbed his paper and started scanning it. "Just give me it" the taller said snatching the paper from neteyams hands. "Hey!" neteyam screamed trying to grab the paper. "Hold on!" the boy screamed back holding the paper above his head still trying to read it whilst pushing neteyam holding his forehead with his head holding him back. "Punda!" neteyam growled slaping his hand away. "Oh stop whining c'mon you have the same first period as me." he said handing the paper back and walking away.

Aonungs pov:
aounung started to walk to his history class mr cory taught it, he was super layd back and chill he was aonungs favorite teacher, not that he particuarly liked any of them. Aounung hadnt really looked at the boy walking next to him. He wasnt short he was average height he had tan skin and long black hair that he wore in braids. He had very soft features he was buff but didnt look it at first. He had brown or hazel eyes he couldent really tell but when the school lights hit them they looked like pools of honey. ''Hey i never got your name!" they boy said turning to aonung but not stoping walking. "Oh its uhm Aonung" he said keeping his eyes fixated in front of him. "Well okay nice to meet you Aounung" he said pronouncing his name wrong. "No- no its aonung not aounung" he said turning to look at him. "Oh sorry" "nah its okay" "my names neteyam" neteyam hm thats a cool name. "Welp were here" aonung said stoping at a door with the number 102. "Oh okay. Wait why werent you in class?" neteyam Asked. "dont worry about it"  Aonung said pushing the door open.They quietly walked in and all heads whipped around to face them. "Oh mr cory this is neteyam hes new" aounung explained. Most of the heads went back to there work but a few stayed fixated on neteyam. "Ah hello you may sit where ever" mr cory said not seeming to care that much. "Can i sit next to you?" neteyam asked looking at aounung. "Sure i guess". The two of them sat at a desk that had six available seats in witch all were full. The people at aounung's desk were kind of his friends they were just some dumb jocks and kids on the swim who stuck around him.

Neteyam pulled out his phone to text his siblings.

(Kie-Kie, Lo-lo)

Neteyam:hey did you both get to class?

Yeah this teacher is an ass tho

Neteyam: Why?

called me lou-ake

Lmao loser

but i met a girl!

i feel bad for her.

Neteyam:be nice!
I met some kid named "aonung" he was punda at first but showed me how to get to class.

Okay cool but this girl is super mrembo~

to bad your a tumbili anayenuka.

Kiri! kuwa mwema kwa ndugu yaku!

Ndio! kuwa mzuri

Chochote ninachopaswa kwenda.

kwaheri, bahati nzuri!

Neteyam shoved his phone back in his pocket. "wajina's" He mumbled a little toloudly under his breath. "what?" Aonung asked curiously. "ah, nothing just me siblings" He said calmly. "how many?' "what?'' "uhm how many siblings do you have?" aonung said nervously. " oh three but only two go here."
Neteyam explained. "oh cool my siter goes here. My moms about to give birth to our new sister" Aonung said exitedly. "oh congrats!" Neteyam smiled at him. Aonung said thank you and the convorsation ended there.


(Hello! 2024 me re-editing here! i would like to say swahili is not my first language so please excuse any mistakes!)

(Wasup yall! srry this one is kinds short i have school and i gotta go to bed eventually! lolz) 

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