busy; jeongchan

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✧ angst ➪ fluff

it was exam season and like every other college student, chan and jeongin were extremely occupied. they barely had any free time and were unfortunately becoming more and more distant.

every time jeongin tried to make plans with chan, he declined and while jeongin understood, he couldn't help but feel hurt. he missed the cuddle sessions, the random dates, the affirmations; he missed his lover.

yes, they were both swamped with studying and preparations but at least jeongin was still trying to make an effort with him.

channie <3

hey~ do you think i could stop by today?
i miss you and we haven't seen each other
in a while.

innie :)

i'm sorry, there's just too much
for me to do. i need to focus.

jeongin was exhausted by the same response he had been getting for weeks now. he didn't realize that tears started to drop, by then he started sobbing uncontrollably. he just wanted to see chan, he wanted to be held and kissed, and be told that everything would be okay.

he was physically and mentally in pain because of the stress of the exams. he felt unwanted by chan and didn't know how to handle it. he knows chan loves him and that he's just trying to do well on the exams but he needs him right now, and had a feeling that chan needed him too.

jeongin was also worried that chan wasn't taking care of himself and wanted to check in on him. he decided to just drive over to chan's place and see for himself.

jeongin rang the doorbell and patiently waited for chan to open it. chan opened the door to see a puffy eyed jeongin and sighed letting him in.

"i'm sorry, i know you didn't want me over today but it's been weeks and—"

chan cut jeongin off by engulfing him in a much needed hug. the two hadn't held each other in what felt like decades and exhaled deeply as they hugged. they both let go and chan let some tears drop as he looked at the younger. he felt bad about constantly rejecting his requests to see him. in reality, he wanted to see jeongin but truly wanted to focus on exams as they are important.

jeongin cupped chan's face and had a worried look on his own face as his fingertips grazed over chan's dark circles under his eyes. he looked like he hadn't slept in days and as the two walked to chan's room, it became evident. papers were sprawled out on his bed and desk, and even on the floor.

"channie, have you slept or eaten?"

chan looks down and shakes his head. jeongin sighs and gives him another worried look.

"i'll clean up here, go shower and take your time."
jeongin rubs chan's arm and chan nods.

"thank you but what about you? have you slept or eaten?"

chan asks and jeongin nods.

"we'll talk after you shower yeah?"

chan nods and gets a pair of shorts then heads to his bathroom.

jeongin begins organizing the papers and stacks them neatly on chan's desk. he makes up the bed and let's the room air out. he then orders his and chan's favorite shared food.

he decided to grab some of his clothes that he's left there and walks to the bathroom. he heard the shower running and chan singing a song. he carefully slides the door open, strips and gets in the shower with his lover. he kissed chan's shoulder and chan hums in a relaxed tone.

"can't say i haven't missed this."

chan turns around to face his lover and captures his lips in a tender kiss. jeongin drapes his arms over chan's shoulders and melts at the much craved skin to skin contact. the shower water hitting against their skin as their lips move in sync.

they begin to lather their loofahs and wash themselves. jeongin squeezes some shampoo in his hands and runs his hands through chan's hair. he massages the shampoo into his lover's hair and chan closes his eyes, enjoying the touch. jeongin then does the same process with the conditioner. chan rinses his hair out and smiles as he washes jeongin's hair.

after the shower the couple dresses comfortably and heads back to chan's room. jeongin gets a notification that their food is here and goes to get it from the front door. jeongin hurries back and holds the food up with a smile. chan sighed contently and grabbed jeongin's hand. jeongin quickly sat the food on the nightstand as chan pulls him on his lap.

"thank you innie, for all of this. i really want to apologize for how distant and rejecting i've been. i was just so stressed and tired and didn't want to put my problems on you. i'm sorry." chan explained and rubbed his hands down jeongin's back.

"it's okay channie, i understand the exams and all the studying is overwhelming but i'm your boyfriend and i was feeling stressed too. i wanted us to be there for each other during this stressful time." jeongin cups chan's face and gives him a light kiss.

"ready to eat? i got our favorite."
chan nods and jeongin grabs the food from the nightstand.

jeongin slides off chan's lap and sits next to him. the two get under the covers, turn on a show they needed to catch up on and began to eat their food.

chan was glad that jeongin came over, he desperately needed to see him and was glad that he was so patient with him. jeongin felt the same, he felt they needed to see and take care of each other.


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