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Once we landed we went our separate ways to our hotel

"oh that felt like the longest flight everrrr"
i yelled just happy to be here
I was gonna go out with fayza,layla and melissa since she came not long after us
so we have a girls day out

time skip

"girls what should we do now?"
fayza asked while we all shrugged our shoulders

"maybe go to the club and drink like we are young again"
melissa insisted while we all agreed
dont know about the young part but her and fayza were the older ones
I wasn't going to party to hard as i just had a party

Kylians pov

Ethan and i were just in our hotel all day playing fifa
The girls were taking forever in town and for some reason i couldn't stop thinking about maria and araia

I missed marias presence so much but that was all
And with araia well i just missed being around her aswell because she makes me happy
She's like the bestest friend you could ever ask for so im happy ethan is close with her because i know he's showered with unconditional happiness

Ethan got a message from layla saying they're going to the club

"bro are you just going to let layla on the loose like that to a club that could possibly have lots of men"
i asked ethan

"shes fine araias there and she'll protect her aswell as mum and melissa so stop thinking like a toxic young boyfriend "
i kept quiet and thought what he meant by araia will protect her
is she secretly a man or something because i aint ever heard of a woman protecting people

"wdym araia will protect her shes tiny"
ethan flicked my ear and pulled out his phone showing me a video

"so this is araia protecting a little girl against 5 grown men, and to mention they all had weapons but araia used her karate skills and beat them"
ethan said so dramatically but i was very suprised to see her fight
I love a girl who can protect herself and others

me and ethan were contemplating wether to go and in the end we ended up going

"okay so do you remember araia telling us her dream"
ethan asked

"um yeaa why?"
i asked out of curiosity

"didnt she mention that she came to london and met up with jude bellingham?"
i tried to think hard of when she said that
I remember when she said we were together and apparently i cheated on her and then she went to london

"broo yes i remember now what the fuckk"
i was amazed but i didn't want to be delusional as i remembered her dream mainly consisted of her and i
We dated in her dream so maybe thats why i felt a sudden strong connection when i saw her after her coma

Will me and araia ever date? i just have to wait and see....

End of pov

I couldnt handle being in this club it was like filled with creeps and odd young ones around

I decided to leave the girls and go to the toilet
As i stumbled on the way there i spotted someone i knew and saw him walking up to me

"hey aren't you araia? ive heard about you and i was just wondering if i could get a photo of you with my girlfriend"
the one and only judeee bellingham
It was so surreal to actually see him but i quickly responded to him

"of course where is she?"
he walked me to her and she looked like a massive fan girl not only that this girl was beautiful

"im such a big fan of you and sorry i asked jude to go to you its just hes famous and he'll get listened too more than me"
I smiled widely and got my phone out for a photo aswell
I exchanged numbers with judes girlfriends and jude himself

"Well it was nice to meet you guys hopefully we can hang sometime"

I turned to leave and saw ethan and kylian staring into my soul

"heyyyy didn't know you guys were cominggg"

"what was that all about"
i explained to them that i was there for his girlfriend

"i dont know why your so mad about me hanging with jude "

"yea actually i dont know either it was kylian that is mad for no reason his toxic vibe must've took over me"
i giggled hearing ethan say thaf but kylian just walked off

I watched him walk of to a girl which made me sad
Her name was rose and she was very pretty but i wasn't gonna let that ruin my mood

"ethan is that his new girlfriend or something?"
he shrugged and walked to layla

i don't know why i was so emotional right now but i wanted to cry because i just saw kylian making out with that girl
We aren't together but ughh i felt jealous

fayza and melissa walked past me asking if i was okay
I told them i needed air then went outside

Kylians pov

I saw rose who was my sneaky link a few months ago and i needed someone to make me forget what i saw

It wasn't that bad but i was in a mood because araia seemed to have a good time talking with jude and i saw them exchanging numbers
I was jealous not going to lie

Rose put herself onto me trying to make out but i pushed her away gently
Immediately after araia left the club going outside
"ahh im sorry i can't do this"

I left her alone then went outside to find araia
there she was huddled up in a ball sobbing

"hey heyy whats wrong"
she looked up with teary eyes
unable to speak so i just hugged her tightly

"ughh i dont even know to be honest i just feel so emotional for no reason"
i studied her sad face but she was still very pretty

"we can talk about it if you want"
she didn't want to talk instead she wanted to go back to her hotel

I told my mum and she decided to stay with melissa while ethan, layla, araia and i headed back

I wanted to comfort araia so we all decided to have a movie night

i know i use clubs and drinking in most of this book so i tried to make it a bit different and its a little bit random in some parts
But hope you enjoyeddd

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