𝘚𝘰 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵..

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Y. Morisuke's Pov

I scroll through my phone as my mother walks into my room "Morisuke, I have to talk to you." She said serious

I put down my phone and sit up from my bed "What is it, did something happen?" I asked "No, your brother Sakurē is getting married soon and you'll be attending the wedding, please be mindful of what you say in front of your future sister-in-law and her family." She said like she was lecturing me

"Well when is this wedding? I have work Monday-Thursday, then on Friday I'm occupied with helping Shigeru with his new pet store then on Saturday and Sunday I'm helping out at the local library" I said basically telling her that I wasn't free all week

"It's on Tuesday, but if your working It's fine. I'll just go alone, oh and I finally found you a future wife!" She said the last part surprising me

|I'm secretly gay, even my cousins and older brothers know and also my aunts and grandparents. My mother is the only one who doesn't accept homosexuals, she even threw out my older sister because she said she was asexual and aromatic. Honestly I hate my mom.. she's toxic, is that why I don't know my dad? Mother says he's a good for nothing brute.|

"Morisuke?" I snap out my thoughts when my mother says my name

"I've been calling your name for the last ten minutes, anyways please be mindful of what you say to your future wife. You'll meet her next weekend." She said with a proud smile

"Mother, what if I don't wanna marry? I'm only 22, isn't it to soon? And if I do marry I wanna marry for love not because of wealth or power.." I told her she looked shocked then she breathed in and out and started to speak "Don't be ridiculous Morisuke, love doesn't exist in this twisted world." She said with a cold stern look

"Okay, sorry." I deadpanned then she walks out my room, maybe I should go to my apartment to get away from her? I live with my best friend Tetsuro and his boyfriend Kenma

I stand and decide to go since I didn't feel like sticking around here just to here my mother talk about me getting married, yea I'll place Thank you

I actually lied I was free all week, i don't even have a actual job but she doesn't need to know that

I walk out my room with my phone, charger and camera

《I canon that Yaku does photography when he's free》

"I'm leaving mother, I'll be back next month" I said I actually wasn't, but she doesn't need to know that

"Oh wait Morisuke, you can't leave yet! I managed to get in contact with your future wives parents and they said we could meet today, so your staying." She said proudly

|Ugh, I wanted to go back to apartment to catch up on my favorite manga!|

"My roommate Tetsuro called, he said if I'm not back within two hours he'll steal my cross" I lied knowing that mother cared about the cross she gave me, although I never took it out it's packaging.

"Fine, b-" I hurry out and leave in my car quickly then drive away

I let out a sigh of relief as I drive for three hours then I stop at a restaurant, I always love coming here

I get out my car then walk in and see familiar faces, I spot a new face that I didn't recognize

"Oh! Mori-San, are you here by yourself? I thought you were meeting with Haiba-Chan today?" My cousins boyfriend Kentaro said surprised "I'm not, I meet with Alisa next Sunday. Is my room ready? I'd like something savoury and sweet but bitter. Oh and four bottles of "Miya's Wish" to. And for dessert just a chocolate lava cake" I smiled

Kentaro looked at the the clock "It should be ready now, I'll escort you there" he said and I nod

Kentaro guides me to my room and I hear laughter coming from the room next door to mine

"No one for you to worry about Mori-San, would you like a personal server at your feet as usual?" Kentaro asked "I'll be fine alone, I need time to myself for awhile." I said with a blank expression

"I'll leave you alone then, your food is already inside along with your wine and dessert" he bowed walking away

I walk into my private room and sit down

I hear the laughter from next door get louder, so I decide to be nosy and check what happened

I walk out my private room with a wine glass full of my favorite wine

"MIMAEA, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER!?" A familiar voice yelled she sounded angry

|Brother? Alisa never really talks about her family but she did mention her brother was coming to Japan with his girlfriend..|

I go next door and open the door to see a giant who looked in pain

I walk over to him and help him up "Hey skyscraper, you seem to have gotten involved with Arina Mimiaea, that wasn't bold of you" I laughed as the skyscraper looks at me

I freeze when I realize how green his eyes are.. they are almost like "Emeralds.." I said not realizing I said that out loud

"Oh you mean my eyes? Yea, that's probably why Arina-Chan dated me.. my eyes aren't common in japan so she thought I was "special", but if I'm being honest green eyes are pretty common" he ranted

"I've never seen anyone except you with green eyes, and your eyes are so dark their like emeralds.. so enchanting" I laughed making the skyscraper turn a little red

"Well I'm Yaku Morisuke, you must be related to Alisa she never mentioned your name though" I smiled "Oh! I I'm Lev! My last name is the same as Nee-chan's!!" He said with a beaming smile

My heart skips a beat

|So.. perfect|

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑬𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅 𝑬𝒚𝒆𝒔 •𝓐 𝓛𝓮𝓿𝔂𝓪𝓴𝓾 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱 𝓐𝓾•Where stories live. Discover now