Chapter 236

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She wanted to stay as far away as she could from Jun Linyuan to stop the rumor from spreading, but now... the deal had already been forced upon her even if she objected.

Looking up at the vast Frozen Forest in the distance, Feng Wu stared at the wet ashes. Jun Linyuan had done it for the people... Fine, she would treat him for the sake of his contribution. Rubbing her forehead in resignation, Feng Wu turned around and walked toward the luxurious courtyard.

The lower half of Yan Yan was still buried in the debris. Seeing Feng Wu walk in, she snorted. "And I thought you were so pure and lofty! You came back as soon as my cousin went away! You just can't leave the crown prince alone! You're such a hypocrite! Feng Wu, one day, I'll rip off your mask and let everyone see you for who you really are!!!"

Feng Wu walked in.

Jun Linyuan was lying flat on the richly decorated bed in the main bedroom. His face was pale and haggard and he looked extremely weak. He was exhibiting the typical symptoms of spiritual essence exhaustion. Even so, the aura he was giving off was still impossible to ignore and his glance was as dangerous and intimidating as ever!

Feng Wu's stomach lurched for no reason. Jun Linyuan was so overbearing. No wonder Young Master Ba had been terrified. Even she, who had such a tough mind, was a little shaken herself.

However, since Feng Xun had forced her to make the deal, Feng Wu had no choice but to inch toward Jun Linyuan. This was the first time that Feng Wu was looking down at Jun Linyuan from this angle. It was getting dark outside, but the luminous pearls on the wall lit up the room like daylight.

The light shone on his stunning face. His long inky black hair hung loose around his shoulders and he had narrowed his pretty eyes, which made his gaze even more brooding and piercing.

"Enjoying the view?" Jun Linyuan turned his sharp gaze on Feng Wu.

Feng Wu's heart lurched and she came back to herself instantly! Sh- she... had she just been enthralled by Jun Linyuan's beauty? How... Feng Wu pressed a hand to her chest involuntarily.

After looking at her mother's stunning face all these years, Feng Wu's "beauty tolerance" had increased significantly, but when she saw Jun Linyuan... she was still struck dumb by his beauty, which was proof enough of how stunning his face was.

"Ahem," Feng Wu cleared her throat. "Pardon?"

"Why are you here?" Jun Linyuan replied with a question.

"To treat your injuries," said Feng Wu matter-of-factly.

"And what are you doing now?" Leaning back on a cushion, Jun Linyuan kept his unblinking gaze on Feng Wu, his deep-set eyes dark and shiny, as if they held some unrevealed secret.

"Um..." Feng Wu rubbed her pretty nose. She had been struck dumb by Jun Linyuan's beautiful face as soon as she walked in and her mind had wandered off after that. That was so...

Clearing her throat, she sat down on a gilded stool next to the bed. She then said to Jun Linyuan with a straight face, "Your Royal Highness, may I have your right hand, please?"

"The four diagnostic methods are look, listen, question, and feel. So, you were doing the 'look' part when you stared at me just then?" Jun Linyuan kept his brooding gaze on her. His eyes reminded her of twinkling stars under the flickering light of the luminous pearls. They looked misty and mesmerizing.

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