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Over the weeks, the teens trapped in the hospital became closer than ever. Jude was finally getting the hang of using his walker without anyone helping him out. As for Fenton, the doctors needed to do one more procedure on him before they could clear him to go home. That day, he was shaking uncontrollably. Delta had never seen him this scared before. Victoria sat with her legs crossed up on the windowsill, Hugo standing nearby, Jude sitting on the bedside chair, and Clark leaning against the wall. Delta sat on Fenton's bed, hugging him, trying to calm him down. It wasn't working as well as she hoped.

"Hey, Fenny. You're going to be alright. Haven't you done this before?" The Greek girl asked quietly. Fenton sniffled and nodded.

"I have, a few times. I'm just scared, Dell. I haven't done this in years, and what if I don't wake up this time? What if something goes wrong, or-" he began to ramble on as Delta cut him off.

"Relax. Be like Agent Bond, your hero. You've got this. The doctors know what they're doing, okay? We'll see you in a few hours when you wake up." She reassured him. Fenton took a deep breath and sat up, mentally preparing himself. The doctors taking care of him walked into the room. Delta took this as her cue and hopped off the bed.

"Fenton, would you prefer us to wheel you over there after we put the IV in, or would you rather walk with us?" The shorter man asked. Fenton thought for a moment.

"Could you wheel me out there? I think my legs are a bit too shaky to carry me." He chuckled, hiding his fear.

"Of course." The taller woman replied, pulling over a gurney right outside his door. They stuck the iv into his hand and led him over to the gurney, laying him down on top. Fenton turned his head to look at his friends who waved at him, reassuring smiles on their faces.

"Your parents are greeting your sisters at the front desk. Do you want to stop and say hi to them?" The female doctor asked. Fenton nodded in reply, too nervous to speak. As they rolled him away, the group walked out of his room, watching their skater friend be carted down the hall to his family. They prayed he would return to them safely. Even though it wasn't surgery, the teens were still worried. Hospital procedures were terrifying things, even if you've been going through them for years.

A loud groan was heard down the hall, causing Hugo and Victoria to see what caused it. The two walked over to the room, only to realize it was coming from Jude. He sat in bed, his left hand rubbing at his face, tired of seeing more visitors. Hugo looked around the room, noticing that there were cards piled up on the bedside table, along with a large handmade blanket covering the bed.

"You seem to have a lot of friends. They must miss you." Victoria spoke up, startling the athlete. He looked over at the two as they stood in the doorway.

"Yeah, well. Some of them are admirers, some from my team, and some just from classmates that I talked to a few times, or even just once. They've been sending me stuff since I came here, and it's gotten so tiring. Like, I get it, you guys are rich. Stop wasting your money on gifts for me, sending prayers for me to come back to school. It's a waste of time and energy." Jude ranted.

"You could sound more grateful." Hugo butted in. Victoria shot him a look as Jude faced the blonde.

"Right. How does this sound? 'Oh my goodness, thank you all so much for all these gifts. I love being sent reminders of my inability to walk on my own every day! You're so kind for putting little old me in your prayers, you privileged, rich kids. Even though I don't really know you, you're so kind for listening when your teacher tells you to send me get-well cards.' That better?" Jude glared at Hugo who just blinked and stared back.

"You really are like the stereotypical athletes in movies. The first time that I thought someone like you could be nice to someone like me, how dumb am I? Have fun with your pity party." Hugo shoved past Victoria, storming off down the hall. The girl watched as her friend rushed off. Jude opened his mouth to speak, but he struggled with finding the right words.

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