Part 2

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"my name's wichita" i said as i shook luci's hand, i had a strong southern accent. Strawberry blonde hair and bluish-green eyes.

Lucianna had tanned skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair with a spanish accent.

"i have a proposition make" i continued speaking, "i will help you take this place back for you and your friends, on one condition, you let me join you."

"i dont know, it's not up to me, but if you can help us then im sure that you can." luci's voice went into a whisper when the other ranger's walked over.

"alright, back to work now people" they said as they stood infront of the other workers.

As she was escorted off she turned her head to look at me before mouthing, "will you help us?"

I nodded.


"hey ginny" i said as i came up to my sister.

"what can i do for you?" she asked with a big, annoying smile.

"is it ok if i can do gaurd duty for tank town tonight?" i asked, i expected no because somevody else was doing it but i got an answer i didnt expect.

"course you can" she said before walking off.

That was easier then expected, but hopefully not too strange.


"luci??" i whispered as i walked into the worker rooms.

"wichita?" she was confused to see me.

"come with me" i said as i gestured for her to follow.

"so whats the plan?" i asked her.

"i-i dont have one yet" she said, still confused, "we dont have to do it tonight, do we?"

"no, no, no, no" i laughed, "we gotta do it when gin's least expecting it"

"how will we discuss our plan because you can't come here every night other wise she will become suspicious of us? An even if you can what if other's overhear?" luicianna queried.

Crap i didnt think about that.

"¿Español?" i asked, my southern accent not going very well with the spanish one.

"Sí," she said, lets just hope that nobody else knows spanish."

"none of the rangers do" i re-assured.

"how do you know" she asked.

"I've been plotting against virginia for a LONG time, because of this i toook the time to learn about the people whome i was up-against." i comfirmed.

"whu do you not like her?" luci asked.

"she killed our parents for a very stupid reason" i said, remembering the painfull memories.

"what reason"

"dekota, she's actually my niece, you cant tell anyone, not even dekota knows this but she is ginny's daughter, ginny lied and told her she was our sister. Our parents hated gin, and dekota. So ginny lost it."

"that was why she killed them?"

"yep, the only people who know is me and ginny, and now you of course, but you cant tell anybody"

"i wont" she smiled.

The sky was dark, the only source of light was the moon.

The white glow of the moon lit up luci's face, she was beautiful. Her smile was so kind and her eyes showed happiness, even if she was feeling sad.

She was beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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