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"Sooooo", Aquila cheekily remarked, raising her eyebrows "How did the date go?".

Secretly, this was one of Ginny's favourite parts of going on dates with Dean (though she would never mention that to him) - being able to retell the stories to her best friends.

She had wanted to wait until recess or after school when they could all be together to tell them, but she knew there was a while as it was only first class - and Aquila is very convincing when she wants something. So why bother?

"Okay, so" Ginny started. She was interrupted as Aquila squealed, but she continued. She purposefully skipped past the part where she and Harry talked so much that she had become late for her date - instead deciding to tell the story from when she and Dean were already at the date. She knew that Aquila wouldn't be able to get past it; she was the one Ginny  had always talked to about Harry, when they were younger.

"We walked around the building holding hands for a bit and just chatting, and then we walked down to the quidditch fields afterward to sit and have some food", Ginny whispered, weary to be told off by Professor Snape. It was a miracle they hadn't been told off by now - though he was chatting with the Slytherin students, so he was obviously distracted.

"That's so cute", Aquila whispered back, smiling. "Was it easy to talk to him?"

Ginny hesitated, but said yes quickly afterward. Aquila raised her eyebrow, "what was that about?"

"No, nothing... it's pretty easy, I guess." Her mind lingered to Harry. "It's probably just because we don't know each other that well yet". Yes, that was why.

"Mm okay Gin", she said a little disbelieving.
"Did you two kiss?", she whispered with more enthusiasm.
"Just a peck", Ginny said, and saw in return Aquila smile. 

Class was over, and Aquila had vanished from sight. What is she up to, Ginny thought. But then she had realised, Dean was at the door. She suspected Aquila would be eavesdropping somewhere out of sight when the two would walk to their next class together.

"Hey Dean" Ginny smiled.
He kissed her on the lips and said hello.
They intertwined hands, briefly talking over how their first class had gone.

Ginny's stomach dropped as she saw Ron. He gave her a scowl, seeing her hand in hand with Dean. When would he ever realise she was old enough to date now? He still saw her as a baby.

Next to Ron, was Harry. He said really quickly as walking past, "Just checking you're good for quidditch practise after school?". A heat gathered around Ginny's cheek as she answered "yes", smiling.

Dean's eyes narrowed but he didn't mention it, thankfully.

Ginny saw Aquila give her a questionable look, but then a thumbs up as she walked to her next class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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