"you ready, (y/n)?" hange asked you as she helped you put on the eye coverings. the crowd was already clapping and chanting your band's name before you had even got on stage.

"yeah, sort of..." you mumbled as hange fixed your tie. "i've been on stage so many times, but i still feel nervous before i walk on." she smiled at you.

"don't worry about it! worry more about levi getting mad that you aren't coming to the banquet after the show." you sighed. you hated talking to people, so you usually sit out at parties and banquets. however, this time, your agency made levi give an opening speech - he'd be angry if all of you weren't there.

"stop talking and practice, guys! (y/n), is your bass tuned?" levi asked sternly.

you plucked the 4 strings of your bass that hung loosely around your neck. the 4th string is off, you thought as you tweaked the pegs. you strummed again.

"yep." you held up a thumb and gave him a small smile. he nodded in reply, turning back to miche to talk about the perfect rhythm for the song. you looked back down at the bass and played the main sequence quietly.

you seemed to get most of it right, except for the really fast part, still containing some slip ups. you sighed. hopefully, hange's loud electric will cover up majority of your mistakes.

"i know that face..." hange said and you look at her questioningly. "you scrunch up your nose like that when you think you're gonna fuck up on stage..." she can see right through you. you felt a hand on your head and turned to see (well, partially see) miche smiling down at you.

"you'll be fine." he said, quietly. levi nodded in agreement.

"and now!" the announcer had come back on stage to introduce you all on. "the spectacle y'all have been waiting the whole night for!!! the newest band with their song on top of the charts! no name!!!" the crowd went crazy as you walked on stage, your bandages tied tightly and your shoes clicking the varnished wooden stage.

the opening of your bandages only opened up downwards so that you had all your attention on the guitar in your hands and not the crowd. you all sounded better together when you couldn't see the audience.

"le-vi! le-vi! le-vi!" the sounds of fangirls were louder than all the others. you could see a few fans right up at the front of the stage holding up signs with names on and sprinkled hearts everywhere. your name wasn't as frequently called out or held up, but you didn't mind - besides, you were only making music because you loved it, not for the fame.

sound crew from backstage gave you the 'ready' cue and you all nodded.

levi, stepped harshly on a box in the middle of the stage. "kneel down, you pigs." he murmured into the mic. then the music started and levi sang. your hand moved fluidly across the board of your bass, in time to hange's melody and miche's beat.

levi was a really good singer - he was exceptional. that was why your agency chose him as lead than any of you. you closed my eyes under the coverings and lost yourself in the music, letting your muscle memory do its work.

your fast part with hange was coming up in about 30 seconds and you held your breath, praying you wouldn't fuck it up. that was when you heard a far-too-recognizable voice from the crowd.

"go (y/n), you can do this!"

annie, your childhood friend. you grew up together, and she's your band's photographer. and you have such a huge crush on her that it's fucking unbelievable.

you peaked out of your eye coverings to see her up at the front, in all her karate black belted, white sweatered, glory. she looked beautiful in the flashing blue, red, and yellow follow-spots that circled the stage. she was looking back at you - only you. your breath hitched and you gritted your teeth, with new found determination.

our song 🎶 annie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now