Short Story #5

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Hey guys, before I start this nightmare I wanted to warn you this covers some serious subjects and interjects something I have personally gone through, not the exact situation but it is a reference. Not with said person in my story. It just happened. If these topics make you uncomfortable or bring back memories from yourself, please, skip this chapter.

Thank you, you may continue.

                 I started off in school again, I believe it was my last year at my school, but my school was built different and it was connected to a full shopping mall. It started off with lunch, I was looking around, pretty bored, and I see my childhood friend, who moved away when we were young, her name was Mackie. I was overwhelmed with the most joyful feeling in the world, I ran to hug her and we reconciled. I cried for a bit then felt better. The day went on and we had an out/indoor activity, it was an activity that started outside and we went into a dim lit room, so we had to wear jackets with reflectors on them, we were split into two different groups, My group and Mackie's group. My groups leader was for some reason my coworker, Cam, I got out so I had to go up to the platform where the people get out go, this creepy looking old male teacher and this old woman teacher came up, demanding I take the vest off and return it to "school authorities". The male teacher began to force it off of me, and grabbing my arm. The male teacher then reaches to grab my chest while the female teacher is holding onto the helm of my shirt. I shove him away and begin to run and cry, I go to the principals office and ask if I can talk directly to the principal, someone brings me to her and I tell her what happened, she gives a horrid look and looks at the male teacher, she stands up and raises her voice at the teacher, saying, "I don't know who the hell you think you are but the only one that can fix this is you, but guess what, YOU WONT HAVE THE CHANCE!!" She forces him to sit down and she calls the police, she looks at me and tells me I can go home, I find the front of the school and call my mom and boyfriend. My mom was trying to get out of work so my boyfriend came and picked me up, he tried to hug me but I flinched away, getting in the car and hugging myself. I'm sitting here and crying my eyes out, feeling disgusted and hiccupping. Once I get home I tell my mom and boyfriend what happened. 

Then I wake up.

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