Chapter 8: Farewell Friends

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In moments like this, Phanny could believe that she might be a girl in a book. At no other time did the workings of fate seem more pronounced, she thought, than at partings. At such a time, the moment of meeting glows bright in one's mind, freight with wondrous meaning.

Ah, one realizes, so this is why the individual threads of our lives intersected briefly.

As Phanny watched Amelia and Burns and their children load their belongings, bowls and blankets and sundry little things, mementos from the life they were leaving behind, on a sturdy donkey cart, the bright air of that silver dawn seemed to promise miraculous possibilities. She, uninteresting, sunshine-less Phanny, was about to meet more friends, see more places.

And yes, she'd decided. She may have only known them a day, but her heart will forever remember them as friends who offered her a safe harbor when, alone and abandoned, she had needed it most.

Because of this brief meeting, Phanny felt a little bit more alive, a little bit more awake, since losing Papa. Until now, she hadn't even realized she was going through life half-asleep.

A tug on her skirt made her look down to see Rowan's small face smiling up at her. She dropped down to her knees in front of the girl.

"Hello," Phanny said.

Rowan stretched out a hand, offering a thin, sky blue, satin hair ribbon. "It's my lucky ribbon."

"Oh, do you want me to tie your hair with it?" The offer left Phanny naturally, before she realized that the girl's orange curls were already braided and tied.

Rowan giggled and shook her head. "No, it's for you. You don't have one."

Phanny's hand flew to the tendril of black hair that hung down her front shoulder to her waist.

"But I can't possibly take your lucky one," she said.

"Don't worry, I've got lots." Rowan nudged it towards her again, and this time Phanny gratefully accepted it. She gathered her hair over her shoulder on one side, braided it all the way down, and tied it off with the ribbon.

"Pretty," Rowan said, smiling to show a charming gap right at the center of her two front teeth.

"Thank you," Tears gathered in Phanny's eyes, which she quickly blinked back, before she made herself look completely crazy.

Amelia came closer, too, and took Phanny's hands in her own. "I wish you well, child. You stick close to Bastan, and you'll be safe. Don't be stubborn, now. We must know when we're better off with someone's care. He's been places, so he knows what it's like."

"Yes, ma'am," she said, looking over the woman's shoulder at the man in question, who was helping Burns secure the cargo on the cart with thick rope. Phanny vaguely noticed the muscles on his forearms cording as he pulled the rope tight on one side of the cart, tying it off.

"You'll be alright, child." Amelia patted her cheek. "Here, I wanted to give this to you." Amelia took out the mermaid comb from her apron pocket and placed it in Phanny's hand.

"No, Amelia, I can't–"

"Take it, child," said Amelia firmly, pressing Phanny's fingers over the smooth wood, then, her voice gentling, "as a little keepsake."

This time, Phanny could no longer hold back her tears. She threw her arms around Amelia's neck and buried her face on the woman's shoulder.

"There, there, child, you'll be alright." Amelia patted the young girl's back.

Phanny pulled away. "What about you? I heard Burns say your money wasn't enough to get into Draconia."

"Oh, don't worry about us. We'll be passing by a little border town just outside the entrance, and we'll stay there a few days selling our wares, we'll earn enough coin in no time."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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