[Chapter 1]

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A red haired child could be seen quietly sobbing and groaning in pain with injuries that should never be on a child's body, injuries that would kill him soon enough if not treated by a healer immediately. 

"Oh my god! Cale!" A ebony haired boy soon came running up to the injured child and healed him with all his might. He was just 8 but tried his best to heal the child in front of him.

"Mm? I'm still alive..." The redhead mumbled while sitting up, "M/n? What are you-?" His eyes widened at the sight of his beloved friend crying his eyes out while bleeding from his eyes, mouth and even his hands because he had pushed his body to its limits to heal him.

Guilt starts consuming the redhead when he realizes he is the reason for his friend's current state.

"Idiot!" The ebony haired child yelled while clenching his fist hard and his eyes shut.

"Huh?" The ebony haired kid was 

"Idiot! Idoit! You stupid idiot! Just runaway!"

"Don't talk nonsense lets take you to granny!"

"She won't be able to do anything either you know that! Don't get hurt if you don't wanna see me like this!"

The redhead fell silent after hearing this. He knew he was weak but he wanted to get stronger and prove the whole village wrong. He will prove them wrong one day. He will make them eat their words.




"M/n I-i love you would you please give me the honour of becoming your lover?" The redhead in his late teens and looked away from the ebony haired male with a reddened face. The ground seemed more interesting then the other male's face after his confession. 

"For real?"The ebony haired male stared at the blushing teen with wide eyes

This made the redhead blink a few times and then let out a chuckling at other male's cluelessness. He was pretty sure he was eing obviousabout his feeling from whenever he discovered them"Pff- yes for real" 

"Ofcourse i would! That's not even a question dummy!"




"M/n I did it! I became the village's chief!" The redhead who now seems to be 20-ish enthusiastically told his ebony haired lover. He was too happy to see his friends' shocked expressions at them hugging.

"I knew you could do this love, great job" he patted redhead on his bavk while returning the hug with a gentle closed eye smile. 





"M/n let's get married" 


The nonchalant conversation between the lovers made their friends baffled at the lack of seriousness of the topic yet they all somehow knew they were serious when they said that.

Serious they both were idiots.

But they are their idiots so they gotta deal with them for the rest of their lives.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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