Chapter 3 - I see, I see, what you can't see

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It is deadsilent in the square. Everyone is looking at us with wide eyes. The teenagers in the sections, the spectators in the back, everyone is looking at us. No one is clapping, or laughing or talking. Relief reflected in their eyes. I can understand them. I'd be happy, too, if I hadn't been drawn. Some sob softly. Beau looks at me with tear-filled eyes, and a strange boy stands awkwardly with his arms around her, trying to comfort her. My mother hangs against my father, crying. Rose bites her lip, and the look in her eyes breaks my heart. In a week, she will most likely lose both of her sisters.

I smile sadly, trying to look like I have everything under control. But nothing could be further from the truth. There are two twelve-year-olds hanging against me, terrified, expecting me to help them. But I know as much as they do. My father catches my gaze, and his message is clear. Take care of Mira. I nod briefly, and put my arm around Mira. I'd like to crawl against someone, too. Be able to cry hard. That someone would tell me everything will be all right, that they will take care of me. But I stand here alone. I will have to do it myself. The only one I can rely on is me. There is no one here I can lean on.

Suddenly I am grabbed hard by my arm, and I flinch. A guard looks at me, irritated, and points to the other chosen ones. They are pushed into cars. I grab Mira by my one hand, and Levi by my other. They have both stopped crying, and walk silently with me. Together we get into a car. I slide in first, then Mira and then Levi. The door is pushed shut with a bang, and Mira lies down against my shoulder. I notice that Mira and Levi are holding hands. I stroke Mira's hair thoughtlessly, and stare out the window.

Thick raindrops tap on the window, and the sun from a moment ago has disappeared. The sky is gray, and the drops on the window are having a contest over which one can slide down fastest. I want to cry, to scream. What have I gotten myself into? And why Mira and Levi too? How big a chance was that? It takes effort to keep myself continuously strong, but I will have to hold on. For Mira's sake. How else will she ever believe that things will work out? If even her sister doesn't believe in it, it is doomed to go wrong. I need to have faith in myself and her, and stay strong.

The cars drive behind each other, heading for the preparation house. I try to calculate roughly how many cars there should be, but I give up after only a few seconds. Math is not my thing, and during the games I probably won't need it anyway. During the games I have to stay close to Mira, and it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye out for Levi. He stares defeated out the window, while silent tears run down his cheeks. His leg trembles up and down, and he holds Mira's hand tightly. I can't see Mira's face because she has it hidden against my shoulder.

The car turns off, and a huge building appears through the dampened windows. It looks cold; it looks like a prison. That must be the preparation house. Mira looks up, and sees the house too. Immediately she grabs my hand in a panicked grip, and my face twitches. 'Ouch Mira, be a little more careful.' She reduces the pressure a little, but continues to cling to my hand. 'Sorry,' she mutters. Our car stops, as do all the other cars. A huge parade of red back lights illuminates the path to the house. Guards stand on the sides of the path, to stop any escaping children. We get out, and Mira is forced to let go of my hand.

Thick raindrops tap on our heads. I am surprised when I look at Mira. She smiles, letting the drops fall on her outstretched hands. When she was younger, she liked rain a lot. Mom couldn't keep her inside when it rained, Mira always found a way to go outside, and jump in the puddles. Now that she's older, that behavior is gone, but from the looks of it, a little bit still remained. She actually seems happy for a while. It makes me happy to see her not scared. She could use a little distraction in this situation.

'Come guys, we have to go.' Mira looks up startled, and immediately the smile disappears from her face. Reality has set in again. She shakes her head, looking anxiously at the building. 'I don't want to go in,' she whispers, taking a few steps back. I exchange a quick glance with Levi, and miraculously he understands what I mean. I take Mira's one hand, and he her other. 'You don't have to be afraid. There are no games today. And maybe we'll get dry clothes.'

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