chapter one

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     The sound of a cyclists bell rang out in the air as she swayed out the road to avoid getting hit . Every one seemed to be in a rush today . It was logical because it was about to rain .
Alex took a deep breath and smiled . She loved the dark gray sky .

 She made her way down the street to the convenience store she usually she usually got her groceries from after her cram classes where over .  cursing under her breath as she once again bumped into someone and hit her foot in the side walk. Was the whole world out to get her today? In this case her whole neighborhood?
The thought amused her as she walked through the large glass doors of Mr Xui's store 

" Hey Mr Xui "

she bowed politely and  went straight to the large dairy refrigerators in the store to grab a carton of milk. Mr Xui looked up with a smile at his favorite customer

" How was school t'day kiddo? "

He asked as she made her way to the counter

" It was ... Normal I guess "

Alex replied 

Mr Xui grinned as he stared at the little girl who reminded him so much of himself when he was younger. She seemed to enjoy her own company despite having several friends who would sometimes come with her when she visited the store  . She was just as odd as she was adorable .
He smiled warmly

Mr Xui: Is that so? . Tell me how's your annoying friend

Alex: What annoying friend?

She asked raising an eyebrow

Mr Xui:  The boy who can never stop talking .... Um Axel is his name?"

Alex:  Mr Xui Axel isn't annoying , He's just ... special

Alex giggled at the Chinese man with a rather odd accent. He always made her laugh and the Axel he obviously didn't like was actually Alex's best friend . It wasn't that Alex didn't enjoy being around her friends she just always felt out of place . Being around Mr Xui was always easier. he was a walking marvel

Mr Xui grabbed a hand full of candy and gave it to her . She smiled at him as she stuffed a piece of candy in her mouth and put the milk in her bag pack

Mr Xui: Now promise me you'll kick some ass tomarrow at school

Alex: Why would I do that ?
She laughed

Mr Xui:  So that annoying Friend of yours can talk less of course

Alex:  I don't think my parents would like me getting into fights at school, atleast not in my final year

The sound of thunder caused Mr Xui remember the storm that was blowing in  

Mr Xui: You'd better hurry home Kiddo , else you'll get soaked by this rain. Say hi to your mom for me

Alex gave him a small nod as she threw her bag pack on and ran out of the store and waved Mr Xui goodbye

Alex: I will!

He smiled inwardly . She really was a perculier kid 


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