The Zodiacs Meet (Pt.4)

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(No Ones POV)

Leo had already gotten her key and was wandering around the campus before she went to her dorm. It was late afternoon and it has just stopped raining. As she walked, she saw a boy sitting on a bench with his hands on his head. She ran over to him and said, "Hi there!"

The boy aka Taurus, looked up and and stared at her with a weird expression. "What?!"

Leo lifted her eyebrows and put her hands up. "Whoah I was just saying hi! What's your problem?"

His brows furrowed and he looked away. "Everything is. I can't seem to find the dorms."

Leo smirked and got closer to him. Their faces were only an inch apart from touching. "Oh really? That must suck!" Taurus squirmed because of how close Leo was and blushed profusely. "W- whatever." He folded his arms and humphed. "Can you just help me or something instead of making fun of me?"

Leo stood up straight and put her hands on her waist. "Aww tough boy is asking for help? Why not!" She held out her hand. "I'm Leo by the way. Nice to meet you."

Taurus narrowed his eyes but grabbed her hand anyway. "Taurus. And stop teasing me!" Leo shrugged. "I can't help it!" He stood up and rolled his eyes. "So, can we go already?"

"Wow you're impatient. but fine. It's this way." Leo started walking in the opposite direction that she came from and gestured for Taurus to follow. "Hey wait up!" Taurus picked up his bag and ran to catch up with Leo.

"So! What dorm do you have?" Leo asked cheerfully. "Umm let me check." Taurus fumbled around his pocket for his key. He finally found it and read the number. "Dorm 12. How about you?" Leo smiled in a mischievous way which made Taurus a little bit uneasy. "So?" he asked suspiciously. "What a coincidence! I also have dorm 12!" Leo smiled brightly while Taurus mumbled, "whyyyyy."

Leo put her arm around his shoulder and exclaimed, "Oh come on! Don't be that way! It's going to be so much fun!" Taurus flinched but did nothing to move her arm off him. "Fine, I guess."

The two walked into the dorm building, chatting, when they suddenly stopped. A book flew through the air a few feet in front of them and a group of people were also standing there. 

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