One Gun, Two hearts

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"We met again" Chishiya turned around as he heard the familiar voice of Niragi. It was only the two of them here. An unexpected meeting, yet it was what Niragi was eagerly waiting for since their last meeting. To have him this close, defenceless, unprepared. His life was in the palms of his hands as his gun was pointed towards Chishiya.

Dead bodies were scattered around them, the street holding the memories of past events in its broken building, paths, and cars. Someone was here to destroy and serve his own justice on people who had little to no chance against a living weapon. It was similar to their situation. What Chishiya could possibly do against him? His skilful hands grabbed his gun tightly, unwavering and pointing straight at Chishiya's heart. He knew he won't miss it this time, he won't miss his chance. It was him surprising Chishiya, stopping him on his track, disturbing him in whatever he planned to do. Chishiya couldn't plan out everything like last time. He had the upper hand.. right?

"Did you come here to kill me?" Chishiya was calm. The same calmness he held when they were on the rooftop. His eyes burned to Niragi's. Staring deep into his soul. Making Niragi uncomfortably shift the weight from one leg to another. He didn't stop looking, not even when Niragi tore his eyes from his eyes, to look for signs of him hiding something, anything that would indicate it was him, Niragi who was actually in danger. He found none. This time Chishiya was burning him only with a stare, not with a weapon. His eyes fixated so much on Niragi's face, he started to think, his whole life is written on it and Chishiya was just taking his time reading it all. Not a single glance at the gun that was stubbornly aimed at his body, not even for a second, as if it never even existed.

"I knew this moment will come" He knew all my steps he knew I will come he knew, Niragi's mind screamed. And he was scared. Scared like in the moment he saw Chishiya run towards him, so focused on one thing: burning him alive. He was scared for what was to come. Chishiya was far more dangerous, someone you should not mess with. He should have not, yet he craved to just once be in power, have power over him. And maybe he should have given up on that, never search for him. But the burning wants to see him again made him lose his mind completely. To have him in his mercy, begging for his life as Niragi pushes the gun right to his temple. The gun being cold against his burning body. He knew this was only fantasy. Chishiya would never beg, he would insult, degrade, mock and push Niragi to the edge, to the point he wouldn't be able to see clearly anymore and he would act just as Chishiya intended. Just how Chishiya wanted him to, and he would be again just a pawn in the game of life Chishiya played.

"Do it then" and Chishiya was stepping closer, challenging him. Niragi knew better than let his guard down. This was all too similar, like a replay of the events of the rooftop. But as he was clueless before he was clueless now. He had the gun, yet it was Chishiya holding it truly.

Just what was he planning? Niragi thought. Set him on fire again? Burn him till there's nothing but his ashes that will be swept away by the wind? It would be fine, there was nothing else Chishiya could possibly take from Niragi anymore. He crushed his heart and took away his life the moment he pushed him into the flames through his gun. And since then he was a living corpse, wandering around. His only purpose is to destroy. He was living in hell, so he might as well be the devil itself, till death finally sets him free, was what he thought. The only thing Chishiya could take was his existence in this world. And that for Niragi was prepared, it was what Niragi waited to happen for a while.

The thought crossed his mind that maybe he should give Chishiya the gun, maybe he should be on his knees, maybe it should be him begging for mercy, but not for life, but death.

He did non of that. He came here with a purpose. And even if it would push him deeper into his misery, he had to do it. Before he falls into an endless slumber, he must take Chishiya with him. He was determined to do so. Or so he thought.

One Gun, Two Hearts (Niragi X Chishiya)Where stories live. Discover now