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...                    (TO THE MUD)

"How could you be so forgetful to delete the footage at the school?" Jungkook reprimanded Cheng as they drive back home.

" Am sorry for my carelessness Boss" Assistant Cheng apologized.

"This shouldn't repeated itself next time" Jungkook warned sternly.

" It won't happen again boss" he replied and the car became quiet for some moments.

" Boss I must admit that Minjoon is indeed a smart boy" Cheng started a conversation.

" Of course he must be smart, after all he is of my blood and obviously he took after me" Jungkook replied proudly with a smile.

Cheng shook his head seeing how proud his boss was.

In the big living room, the family could be seen consoling the crying Jimoon who doesn't seems to stop.

"Stop crying Moon, this is not the end of the world" Zoey, Jimoon's mother consoled.

" Mom it is the end of the world, my Alphas's company had gone bankrupt and I as his mate got blacklisted from the entertainment industry, how is it not the end of the world?" Jimoon cried out.

"But how did all this happened? This is just too much" Grandma Xi said feeling pity for his grandson.

Just then Wang walked in angrily with a file in his hand.

"Son-in-law you are here?" Lui Park (Jimoon and Jimin's father) asked happily as he saw Wang.

" Please Mr Lui, am not here to smile with anybody nor do I want anyone's sympathy" Wang replied rudely to everyone's shock.

"You motherfucker! My life was ruined all of you, I went to disgrace Jimin just to avenge you but bankruptcy is what I got in return" he shouted angrily.

"What? Jimin is back?" The family was surprised.

" Are you surprised?" Wang asked with a disgusting smile.

",And Yes, Jimin is back to the country, not only that. He is now a chief designer at the Jeon company" he added.

"Jeon enterprises?" The family repeated in shock.

" There's no need for long talks" Wang said and face Jimoon.

"Here you must sign this in two days" he said throwing the file in his hand to him.

Everyone glance at the paper and their eyes widened in shock.

" DIVORCE???" They all shouted.

"Yes divorce, am divorcing you Park Jimoon, I don't want to have anything to do with an asshole like you anymore!" Wang replied.

Jimoon sprang up and held Wang's hand.

"Please Wang, you can't divorce me, you can't just break our marriage all because of Jimin" Jimoon begged desperately in tears.

" Yes son-in-law, reconsider your decision, you and Jimoon have been married for five years, you can't just break your marriage because of that bastard son of mine" Lui chirped in.

"I don't care!" Wang replied and tried to leave but Jimoon held him back.

" Wang I beg you don't divorce me, I can't lose you as well, I promise to do anything you want, just don't divorce me" Jimoon cried.

"You sure to do everything I want?" He asked calmly.

" Yes.. Yes...I promise to do everything you want" Jimoon replied hurriedly.

HANDSOME BABY'S DADDY  🔞(A NIGHT WITH HIM)🔞 JIKOOK  (MPREG)Where stories live. Discover now