Chapter 10

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Ella's heart dropped as none other than The Priest walked into the small room, letting out a curse as she pulled out her shotgun. She should have known that he would take this chance to show himself, probably thinking she was vulnerable without Leon. Ella was determined to prove him wrong.

"W-Who are you?" Ashley asked as she hid behind Ella, not recognizing the man but having a feeling he would be harder to take down than most of the cultists they faced.

"I am the Priest Castro, and I am here for my investment." He answered in that sinister scratchy voice that sent a chill down Ella's spine.

"Your investment?" Ashley didn't understand- that was until she realized the man's red eyes were on Ella. It was then she knew that this man had been the person Ella and Leon had been talking about when they were at the fountain.

"What the hell do you want? You can't catch me by surprise anymore asshole, so why don't you get out of here before I put three rounds into your chest?" Ella threatened. This room wasn't very large, and the outside risked putting her too far away from Ashley. Ella was sure this guy would love to tell everyone where Ashley was, even if he was here for her.

"Why so volatile? I just want to make sure you become the best version of yourself you can possibly be." Ella's brows furrowed. Had the plan to kill her changed?

"Oh, so we're back to that again? You really had me thinking you were trying to kill me, what with my being targeted and all." She growled, and she would honestly rather him do that then try to infect her with the parasite again.

"Ah, yes. Ramon does not agree with my. . .plan. But despite that, here you are, still alive and fighting." His tone was full of pride, and Ella hated it. The way he looked at her reminded her of the way a dog owner looked at their puppy after they successfully performed a trick, and it had her jaw tightening with agitation. 

"You've got five seconds to leave before I shoot you." Ella demanded, but before she could take another breath, something whipped forward, slapping the shotgun out of her hand.

"What the fuck?" She hissed, whatever it was having been too fast for her to see, but she knew it had come from him as his robe fluttered back into place.

Not wasting another second, Ella pulled out her handgun, before firing shot after shot into his head and chest until he was leaning forward, his arms hanging down.

"Why do you fight me child? Why do you fight your creator?" His words sent white hot rage shooting down her spine. Her creator? Ella wanted nothing to do with whatever unhealthy and demented relationship he thought the two of them had.

"You are not my creator. You're just some cult freak who doesn't know the difference between right and wrong." She snapped, raising her gun once more and preparing to empty the clip into his head. She stopped, however, when he began shaking violently, her eyes widening.

"Ashley, run." She told her, knowing this was about to get bad very quickly, and her rage simmered as she focused on protecting Ashley. 


"Run!" She shouted, and Ashley didn't question it this time as she scrambled to the side door, Ella following right behind her.

She had realized too late that she had left her shotgun in the room, but there was nothing she could do about it now as the doors slammed open behind them, and Ella watched with wide eyes as something crawled out onto the stone top.

"Fuck- Okay. Okay, think. . ." Ella told herself, but she had no idea what she was going up against, not getting a good look at Castro. Whatever he was, he was fast, which would be a problem on its own with just her handgun and knife.

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