its all weird

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You and your brother had started a band. Call awdky. You were the lead guitarist. You really loved it. You bro (BN) waz the lead singer. Jake wazz the back up singer and and second guitarist. And john played the drums. U were call "actally we dont kno yet" becaz u couldnt deside on a name and what type of music to play. Well any way you were. Gettin ready for a big show. Yall just got descovered. And this waz your first show as a "real band". You did the use before any normal show. You listened to  disasterology. Your favorite song in the whole wide world. And did 20 jumping jacks, yelled at your self for no apparent reason, did your make up and changed. You never were a shy person around a crowed. You were always the person making pll laugh. And smile. Well soon you where to come out on to stage. You drew away your 3th bottle of red-bull. And went out. And now presenting awdky. It wass your time to shine.

Time skip

You kicked ass. Everyone loved yall.
You were packing up your equipment and your BN. Told you to hurry your ass up. And that they will leave with or without your lil ass. Uhhh ok u said. And your brother said "hey dont back talk me YN." "fck u too" u said he didnt say anything after that. So you guessed he left. So you yelled ''fuck you. Fuck mom. Fuck her boyfriend. Fuck life.'' Then you fell to da ground and started crying. You were always so quote on quote ''Happy'' and ''bubbley''. When in reality you were a mess you were always do depressed. You cut. Well you were there on the floor. Crying. You heard a voice. ''Its ok. Youll be ok lil miss. Ya darlin youll be ok. Youll be just fine." Really now at all timez they where back. The voices in your head. Like now of all timez they're back. But then you heard like a beer bottle move. Then someone. No a guy. A guy in a hoodie. Came out of hidding. You couldnt quite see his face thought. He was laughing. "Who are u!!!". You yelled. He just laugh then like 3 other guys came out of hiding. Also in hoodies. Who the hell are yall. U asked the frist guy laugh. Whoa Calm down Princesa. Dont get. Mad at my friends here. He laugh an evil laugh. ''Who the fuck are yall you asked!?!?!?!''. Just then you grabed a empty beer bottle and poped it broken. All the did was laugh. Hahaahaha you think thats gonna hold us off. One said. WHO DA FUCK R YALL AND Y R YOUR ASSES HERE. You yelled at the top of yoyr lungs. Whoa hold up said one. As he lit a cig and puffed some smoke. We been wacthing you. "Watching me". "Da fuck." "You've watching me.!!?" Shhh vic shut the hell up. Said the first one. Vic, vic where in da hell have you heard dat name before you thought aloud in a sorta quited wisper voice. Haahahahah. Laugh the one who possessed the name of vic. Great now she knows my name Mike. Shhh shut up vic now she knows my name now you azz. Wait hold up wat da fuck do ya want. From me. Then the one who possessed the name of Mike. Said oh ya. Before my broth... I mean friend here interrupted me. I was about to say security exerting you. Ha he laugh and drew his cigarette bud on the floor and smashed it with his foot. Ha get her boys what. He said then u ran. You drew ur bottle at one of the guys. All so we're not gonna play nice now r we well two can play at that game. Jamie, Tony help!!!Me get off your asses. Now. He yell. You couldnt help but laugh and think of the names. Mike,vic,tony and Jamie. Lol. U thought the all of a sudden you where cornered. Hahah didnt think youll get away that easy did you darlin. The 2 who possessed the names vic and mike said in sync. Then mike said Jime. Now get her. Just then someone came up from behine you, grabed you and put a cloth around your mouth. But before you could scream. Your world waz fadeing away you heard good nite darlin. Sweet dreams. Hahaa. They all laugh. And smiled you were drop to da ground and manged to say you ass holes. Before you drifted off to sleep. To them laughing at you. Your eyes close and you passed or got knock the fuck out.

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