The party

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"ANYONE WANNA PLAY BEER PONG?!" Some girl shouted, setting the scene for what rah had just entered.

Layla knew Erin well but she didn't know her party would be like this. There were empty bottles all around, people running about and throwing up, and drunk girls scream singing to old rihanna songs. "This is my kind of party," Adris said as she dragged the girls hands into the chaos.

The night progressed and things had unfolded as usual, the girls all sitting together talking about nothing of substance, the boys making an absolute mess as they pranced around Erin's kitchen, but something was different then every other night.

"Hey, you ok?" Jason said as he fluidly opened the sliding glass door. A cool breeze hit his face and he stepped outside to meet Justin's eye-line.

"Oh um yea," Justin said as he brushed himself off and stepped into the porch light, "I was just.. thinking."

"Everyone's inside why are you out here?" Jason questioned.

"I don't know, I just guess... I don't really feel like I fit in here- no never mind, let's just party and have fun." Justin quickly bellowed as he got up and pulled past Jason.

Jason stopped him and grabbed his shoulder giving him a look of comfort. Even if Jason never said it, Justin knew he would always be there for him.

jason & justin; a forbidden romance Where stories live. Discover now