Chapter 1: Stubborn Alpha.

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(tw: mention of rape (not explicitly stated) and abortion.)

The weather is splendid today. There's a tiny bit of sunlight peeking through the curtains, birds chirping... and the smell of omelette.

"Hey,"The little girl climbed up the mattress and crawled towards the person lying on the bed like a dead body. "Hey, sleepyhead. Get up. I made breakfast."

Yoongi slowly opens his eyes and glances at the girl. "Oh? Look, an angel." Yuna tilted her head to a side, and was about to ask Yoongi what he meant by that, but Yoongi was quick to grab her and wrestle her into the bed. "Good morning, Yuna-ah!"

Yuna struggled in Yoongi's hold,"Ah, stop it mom! You're gonna mess up my clothes!!!"

Yoongi sat down beside the five years old on the entrance as Yuna put on her socks and shoes for school. Yoongi smiled fondly at her,"You didn't forget anything, right?"

Yuna nodded,"Nope."

It was almost the time for Yuna's school bus to arrive, so Yoongi quickly grabbed her backpack and stepped outside. The weather is indeed very clear today. Yoongi wonders if something good will happen today?

"The bus is coming, mommy!"Yuna tugged Yoongi by his arms, the omega giggled as he followed the enthusiastic child.

"We won't be late, don't run, Yuna-ah—"

"She called him 'mommy'."

Yoongi halted to a stop. Yuna turned around and was about to complain about him stopping in the middle of it without informing her when she noticed that look on his face.

"But isn't that a man?"The murmurs of interest continued, and so Yoongi felt like digging a hole first thing and sinking down, never to be found out again. "Oh my, didn't you know? He's an..."


Yoongi jerked back to reality when Yuna called out to him. He looked down, and the child had her hand fisted into tiny fists. "Imma go and have lotsa fun today, okay?"


She's really the reason for Yoongi's existence.

Yoongi grinned widely. "Alright! Have a great day today."

Now that Yuna's gone for the day, the house feels a lot more... empty. It's usually just only Yuna and him. She's mature, sweet and a well-spoken child. You can hardly find a child as obedient and mature such as Yuna. Yoongi wonders if she's became like that under the pressure of the situation...

The whirring sound of the vaccum cleaner stopped, and as if in cue, Yoongi's phone rang.

Yoongi's happy with how his life is with Yuna. He doesn't need anyone else. This is... just fine. Him and his beloved daughter. Although Yoongi is satisfied with how happy they are right now, happiness doesn't exactly afford them a lifestyle.

"Hey mom."Yoongi picked up the phone and answers, while at the same time folding the laundry.

"Yoongi-ah! How's Yuna doing?" Rang his mother's voice from the other line. "And how did the interview from last time go?"

Interview. A job interview. It's for his daughter. He has to... earn a living for them.

Yoongi inhales sharply. "It's always the same thing, and this is the sixth time." Yoongi places the folded clothes aside. "So yeah, I didn't get it. They said they weren't able to accomodate me if I went into heat or got attacked by a co-worker."

The interviewers were being nasty, Yoongi knows that. Maybe he should've considered putting Beta as his sub-gender and hide himself with suppressants. Maybe he shouldn't have been honest about him being an omega.

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