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You and Adrien made sure to do a bunch of jobs to please Mr.Agreste before asking him to go to your friends party this weekend. Photo shoots, ads, interviews, you name it. It was a very tiring week but you two pulled through and got it done. And thankfully by the end of it all Mr. Agreste agreed to let the two of you go to your friend's party and everyone was overjoyed about it.

When Saturday rolled around you couldn't wait for the party to start. It was going to start around noon but you were getting jumpy and anxious about it as the clock ticked down. Adrien took notice of this and did his best to keep you calm so you didn't waste your energy being nervous before the party even started.

"Come on N/N, let's play a game to take your mind off it." Adrien said and dragged you into his room to play one of your favorite video games.

The two of you enjoyed fighting in the game until you heard yelling and screaming coming from outside. You both looked at each other before rushing over to the window to see that someone had gotten akumatized.

"Really now someone gets Akumatized? And only a few minutes before the party!" Plagg complained.

"Don't worry we'll make it on time!" Adrien said. "Come on Plagg, CLAWS OUT!" Adrien yelled and transformed into Chat Noir.

"Are you going to be joining me?" Adrien, now Chat Noire asked, looking at you excitedly. Ever since you got Inarii Adrien has been wanting to fight with you but you had other plans.

"I will, but I won't fight. It's best I stay in the shadows and watch. Maybe I can get clues on who hawk moth is better that way. Plus he doesn't know of my existence, it makes it easier to gather information." You said and Adrien just pouted.

"Okay... guess I'll see you later. Meetup back here yeah and the head to the party yeah?" You nodded and he smiled before jumping up to the window. He gave you a quick wink and blew a kiss towards you before jumping out the window and towards the Akumatized person.

"Oi, I'll never get used to his flirty personality." You laughed a bit before turning towards Inarii. "Are you ready?"

She nodded excitedly, "more than ready!"

"Good. Inarii spirit activate!" You shouted and transformed into your hero self. At the moment you didn't have a hero name and you wished to keep it that way for a while so you can operate in secret without anyone knowing. Plus you were just bad at names and didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of all of Paris.

"Okay let's do this." You felt nervous since this was your first time being transformed and studying is different than doing. You jumped up onto Adrien's open window before taking the view and observing the surroundings around the akumatized person. You quickly found a good hiding place near the fight before jumping out the window and running towards it undetected.

You watched as Chat Noir and Ladybug struggled with the villian, you wanted to help but you weren't sure if that was a good idea or not. "What can I do...?" You thought for a minute before looking at your weapon and remembering what your powers were.

"That's right, I can do this without being caught!" You whispered to yourself happily before taking out the staff from your paper lamp. "Hitobosu!" You whisper yelled and the little Fox charm at the bottom of the lamp started to glow along with the lamp itself. Soon a ghost-like fox spirit appeared before you and awaited your command. "Please go stop the villain as long as you can for Chat and Ladybug." The Fox nodded and ran out to the battle.

Chat was the first to take notice of it as he was trying to stand up again after being knocked down. Ladybug then noticed his distraction and looked over to see the fox jumping into the villain and disappearing. After that the villain got significantly slower. This would only last for about a minute but hopefully it was enough time for Chat and Ladybug to recover and defeat the villain.

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