" The ultimate friend group"

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-"Yah! Lee Y/n , wake up or you'll be late , the boys will be here in 10 minutes so hurry up!"

Said Chanho whilst shaking his little sister waiting for her to wake and start getting ready so he can go and start preparing his and Y/N breakfast.


Ilha POV:

Me and the boys were on our way to pick her up and go to school.

After a couple of minutes we arrived and rang the bell waiting for one of the siblings to open the door,after a couple second Chanho hyung openned the door smiling at us.

-"Good morning boys! Come in, Y/N is still getting ready but till she gets ready please take a seat."he said as he gestured us to take a seat and we did.

We were very close to Chanho hyung since he basically took care of us since we were children .After waiting and chatting with hyung for a couple more minutes we saw Y/n coming out of her room in a hurry and when she saw us she just smiled at us awkwardly and started walking towards us, just as she got here hyung handed her her backpack helping her with putting it on.


I heard Chanho oppa calling me so i opened my eyes and as soon as i did he just said to hurry up and get ready and went to what i assume make breakfast.I groaned and sat up taking my phone in my hand in the procces and took a look at the timeI widen my eyes as i saw that it was almost 7 and realized that im probably gonna be late and that the boys are probably waiting for me ,so i jumped out of my bed and hurried to my bathroom and started getting ready.

After a bit i was finally done and started walking to my door hoping that the others arent here yet but to my luck..they were there chatting with my brotherb and Ilha noticed my presence and waved at me and i just awkwardly smiled at them while walking to my brother as he gave me my backpack and helped me put it on after that i turned around and kissed him on the cheek and left with the others.

As we were walking to school we saw a shop where you can buy motorbikes and as the troublemakers we were we went and rented two and went to school on motorbikes ,ofcourse the guard didnt like our fun little prank and started chasing us then we saw our classmates putting their heads out the window and i tapped Ilha who was infrontt and pointed at our class's window we started talking with them as the other bike stopped beside us..

-"Yah ! What are you guys doing?" i shouted

-"Taeman farted again!" the class president explained

We started laughing but our talk with the others was disturbed by the gaurd..

-"Yahh!Come here you punks!"he exclaimed

We just started laughing and drove away but as i looked by i saw the gaurd hold onto his hair and before i knew it his hair fell off indicating that he was wearing a wig and i exclaimed so the other three could also know.

-"Woah! Did you guys know the gaurd was wearing a wig all this time?!"

We all started giggling and soon we lost the gaurd but still heard him say:

-"Aish! You punks, I'll get you next time!" he said while holding his fist in the air as i chuckled

word count:579

Hello this was the firts part i hope you guys liked it! the next part ill uploud in a bit i just need to write it first also feel free to comment your ideas !


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