I Will Forever Miss You

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My name is Jade, and this, in a sense, in a love note.

Why in a sense? Because the receiver of the affection is one of pure friendship, and someone I know who every single word I write deserves to hear this.

I don't know if he'll ever read this, nor do I expect him to. This is simply for me to share the feelings I have, and let the world know how it is.

This school year, I met a young man. Blond hair, blue eyed, tall, foreign exchange student as well! His name, in translation, is Vick. Like many girls in my school, my interest in this young man was peaked. He was handsome, smart, talented, what the HELL was he doing in a crappy school like mine?! I had him in a single class, Art. We barely talked at all, even from the beginning he was quiet. Then, at the football game, I spoke to him.

Vick was polite, honest, and extremely kind to me. Hell the boy brought me coffee!! I was freezing and he was kind enough to do that!! Oh, and later on he asked me to draw him something. Saying yes, I didn't expect anything. Vick wanted to pay me, I didn't want to except, but I swear he was determined to.

For a couple weeks I worked on that piece, talking with him about the concept to make sure it was to his liking. FInally, upon delivery day, I show it to him. In that moment I swear I have never seen someone's eye's light up looking at my work before like that. He thanked me so many times, but honestly, I should've thanked him more. I was, and still am, incredibly honoured to have drawn something for Vick. Doing that gave me confidence, confidence in the work I've done and plan to continue to do, simply because he saw a sketch and wanted a piece done. Vick, my friend honestly, if you are reading this right now I hope you know, just how much that meant to me. Especially second semester! Letting me use you as practice for figure drawing and portraits! I swear you were more excited than I was! And you always told me, it was an honour to be drawn by "such a great artist," my friend, the honour was all mine. Simply, because you smiled.

Oh, and let me mention real quick, the infatuation I had like all the other girls had, that faded. Simply, because I got to know him and I knew he was put in my life for a reason, and having him as my friend was the best honour I could have. Any women he has as a partner, she is lucky, for he is an amazing person to know.

This Saturday, on May 30th, 2015, we graduate. Of course I'm excited, but I wish, GOD I wish, we could all share it with you Vick. You've impacted not only me but so many people, simply by being you. You made us all smile, laugh, cry(Sorry if I got mascara on you tonight) and just be happy with you there. I want you to know, that every single one of us love you so very, very much man. You are an amazing, brilliant, talented, smart and down right incredible soul to have been given the honour, and the privilage to know. All of us, will forever miss you.

Whenever you choose to come back to America, know 100% that we will, welcome you home with open arms, for America is your second home now, and we expect you home for dinner.

My amazing friend, I love you so much, and I look forward to the day I can return the kind coffee jesture, in London.

We love you! Have a safe trip home! <3

~Forever with love,


P.S. Yep, I'm sappy and sentimental I know! I'm just gonna miss ya!

I will write ya and send you new artwork! Love ya man!

Come home soon! Or see you in London! Whichever comes first!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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