𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻

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For the first time in nearly two months, both Momoi and Kise stood in front of an exhausted, but not winded, Seirin basketball team. As cheerful as the Touou manager could be, she was also unnervingly attentive to her practice menu designs. Any moment that one of them was ready to push onto a higher number of sets, she knew and pointed the coach towards a new direction for the training menus. The yellow miracle, on the other hand, was more focused on heckling the team than helping, as if angering them and putting down their abilities with his mimicry was an inspiration to them instead of an aggravating challenge.

"Alright, everyone! Now that the training bracket is out, we can finally discuss some strategies!"

Kise waved a dismissive hand at his co-conspirator.

"Come on, Momoicchi. Everyone, the gist of the bracket is you don't have to worry about anyone until you get to the semifinals – when you'll have to match up against Siho and then Shuutoku. If you just focus on getting good enough to beat Seiho, you'll be fine."

Momoi tugged on the back of Kise's tank top.

"Ki-chan, we talked about this! You shouldn't be dismissing the other teams so easily! Besides, they need to try and beat Shuutoku too! The plan – remember?!"

Golden brown eyes sharpened and Kise looked to be doing his best to avoid snapping at his former classmate.

"Yeah, yeah. No point in spending time worrying about weaklings when you've decided that's the best course of action. Do I need to remind you of the kind of beast Midorimacchi is? I don't see why we can't set our sights on Seiho. They've got that weird martial arts thing, don't they? And if they're called a king, then taking them down should be proof enough to Kurokocchi that Seirin's at least decent!"

Momoi shook her head in exasperation but turned to address their audience instead.

"I'll have to focus on scouting for my own team since it's still my job to be their manager, but I'll be sending Riko the data on all of your opponents too. Riko's more than capable to manage your plays without my data, but you'll have that much more of an edge if you listen to my predictions on how to tear your opponents apart.

All that's left is to try and amp up your speed to match that run-and-gun style you guys like and for Kagami, specifically, to push your stamina. If you're going to be the ace of this team, you need to be able to keep it up for all four quarters. Make sure to properly rest.

On the note of our resident phantom – since none of you have actually been able to run into him, it's about time we just leave him be – "

There were several widened eyes and gaping mouths that interrupted Momoi's speech.

"What do you mean leave him be? You've been cutting our practice for weeks just to have us in areas he might go to! You're gonna give up on him now?!"

Kise tutted and shook a solitary finger at the other teens in the room.

"No, no. Not giving up, changing pace. Kurokocchi's been too on guard, even with you guys spread out and Momoi and I splitting up. We've got a plan we're setting in play that will be much more effective if you guys just sit back and focus on the tournament now."

Momoi sighed, her shoulders hunched and feet shuffling.

"Ki-chan's right. If you haven't run into Tetsu yet, then he's still avoiding you. I was hoping you could make a nicer impression before the plan started, but what's past is past. This next part was always a part of our original plan, so please just bear with it. Just focus on the Inter High.

The Seirin boys grumbled at the mixed signals they were now getting, shouting out their affirmations that they understood.

Momoi gave a soft smile as Kise wandered off to change into regular clothes, her expression portraying some mix between apologetic and guilty sympathy.

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