I gave up on him not my self

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Ch. 4

I woke up half an hour later

The nurse bomberded me with millions of questions, but how can I say I fainted because of a boy
I told her I had a slight head ache , she gave me some drugs and told me to rest.

I met with floral and precious, outside the clinic  , they asked me how I was feeling and I said I was fine wispering a small thanks. I looked to the side and saw the three models
Damien,Jake and Andrew.

Jake waved at me and I gave him a small smile and looked away, I'm not falling for someone, who I'd die of if he said he liked someone else, he only said he liked someone else and I fainted, only God knows what will happen if he cancels our wedding, I'd just die on the spot, I give him up right here right now. Yh it was a little bit hard but thinking about death only made my stop my childish liking, I have witnessed the death of someone close to me , my dad died of stroke and also had diabetes and I know how my mom cried that day

____________________. !
FLASH BACK.              !

  "belyx,wiz,vex!!" Mom Shouted
Get into the car now , we traveled to my dad's family house. My dad went there two days ago, my mom and dad argued alot and I wonder why they didn't divorce,but that wasn't needed cause he died that same day
The family members blamed my mom for his death, my mom didn't inherit anything not like my dad had anything, my mom is bacically the one feeding us from the start, she built a duplex by herself and bought a car (Benz( by her self

My mom loved my dad even tho he cheated on mom but she still stayed she was there .

Momma cried that day, but I couldn't find tears I was 8 at that time which was also the reason I stared eating and grew fat, I used food and music to suppress my feelings.
End of flash back.        //

Precious and floral looked at me weirdly
" Is that not your crush, he literally waved at you all u could do Is smile and look away.. " precious was confused just as floral

"didn't floral tell you, that he sayhe doesn't like me but he likes Victoria" I scoffed,

" I thought you said you'd get him no matter what" floral said
"But I didn't say I want to die in the process, I literally just fainted because he said he doesn't like me, what if he kissed that mosquito in front of me , I'd just jump off the bridge huh!!!" I replied
They were both silent but gave me a sorry look.
It was sport time, we went to grab our water bottle, we were competing today, as for me I'm the best player in badminton and I also loved volleyball ball, me and my team won gold in volleyball competition during our inter house sport, precious wasn't in my team instead I'm competing against her.

The badminton competition starts in 10 minutes.
I, floral, Jake are in wine house while precious was in lilac , the almighty Damien was in lemon with Andrew
I was in the court with my partner grace and precious was in the court also with her partner, and I don't know her name
I put my mind in the game not caring about precious being my friend,I used service to win half of the point , to be honest precious was good but I was the best, we were in game point now and precious served I was at the back and the service was at the front .
I rushed to the front, I heard my racket hit the ground , taking the shuttle up, I stood up to see the shuttle on the whit line under the net,
I heard the coach "GAMER"
We won!!!!!!!
We won n n!!!!!!!
I jumped up and down
Someone carried me up . I looked down and saw Jake . He carried me round while my house mate cheered
I whispered "put me down Jake"
I was sitting on his shoulder
"No Belyx you look good on my shoulder" he said and continued to jubilate

" I'm not Victoria Jake put me down" my voice more firece this time
Jake heard me I don't know what happened to him but his grip on me loosened and I lost my balance.
I landed on the floor with Jake on top of me. 
            I couldn't help but admire his eyes, they were hypnotizing, I stared into in, like always it was sparkling, my heart started to squeeze and I knew I needed to get out fast, I pushed him off me and ran out.
I went to the bathroom locked myself in the stall
I calmed my self down  'breathe in breathe out ' repeated it and I was fine
But I was scared to go out , the girls would give me dirty looks .


"Why did you think she ran away" I asked seeking advice from Andrew,  
I didn't bother myself asking Damien
From my view I don't know anyway but it seems like it dislikes her .
"Maybe she thought you were playing her" Andrew said .
"Playing her, why would I play her, we have been friends since kindergarten, why would I ever want to hurt her, she's like a sister to me, I know things are different now but I still care for her even if I try to hide it" I was being honest with every single word that came out of my mouth. "Or maybe she doesn't like you anymore" Damien said. I was really shocked Damien wasn't the type to talk about crushing, he hates girls, probably.

"Maybe floral told her I liked Victoria,
Cause yesterday she told me beylx likes me,but she's like a sister you know I don't really like.....like her in that way, I don't think I like her, I think I like Victoria" wait do I like her my statement was optional tho

"Uhh, you liked her before you know" Andrew said.

" That was before, she was allover Jackson I don't even think she noticed me  like that, we were just buddies , and after her arguments with floral, the three of us grew more distant but she already made up with floral, but our discussions only reduced to greetings" I sighed, only if she knew then.
But now I like Victoria, and I'm getting somehow close to Victoria so
"Victoria or belyx" Damien asked me
He was leaning on his locker staring right into my soul
"BELYX" I replied
"And now do you know your real crush now"Damien asked
Someone came running and jumped on me, it was Victoria, "Baby can you buy me this Gucci bag, it's the newest edition",she gave me a puppy eye
"Please, please please " she added
Gosh she sounded like tyres screeching on the ground when talking and I just wanted her to shut up

"I will buy it for you, let me send you the money " in said in a hurry.
At that moment I saw Belyx , she walked past me like I didn't exist, what have I done !!!!
Then floral came "wha-"

I couldn't finish my sentence but what she said broke me.
" she saw everything Jake, don't worry yourself, bet it she doesn't like you anymore "

I froze , she doesn't like me wtf, floral walked away running after beylx
Damien who heard everything gave me a cold look and walked away, Andrew followed and I was left with this cockroach, I sent her the money and left ..

     Do I still like beylx????

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