Chapter 1

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Nithya's Pov

The place, the diary, which I called home, I left it all because of a stupid mistake of mine. I may be exaggerating but it was what the Ashoka tree was to Sita. Something to which I can share all my thoughts not expecting an answer. But its warmth was all that I needed to relax two perfect companions. But, is it mine anymore? Can I call the place mine now? Will he allow me inside at least to take Layla back with me?

I didn't think much before ringing the doorbell But each second after it felt like an hour. I wondered- more like feared- what would happen next. Will he be happy to see me again?Will he be angry? Will he take me in or push me out? And most importantly, Am I ready to face him? Will I ever be ready? Pushing aside all these thoughts, I noticed that It has been a few minutes since I rang the doorbell. I rang it again once, twice, thrice, no answer. Maybe he knew that I am here. Maybe he didn't want to see me. But, I just saw that the door key was at the same place Where I had left it before I left for Mumbai.

So, he loathes me so much that he never came back here. Our home I opened the door to see my place in a worse condition- worse than mine. Everything was in the same place where I'd left it veiled with dust. The place which was always a part of my future plans was now abandoned all alone with dust.

After cleaning the living room, I moved to the bedroom, The bed was unmade, the curtains half closed. Layla laid on the table opened. Layla is someone I share everything with. It carries the tale of my life.


Hey Layla,

I am Nithya. You like me or not, you're my friend from now. My second friend... Anu gets first place. She is my colleague. Only human being I talk to in my office. You see, no one wants to talk to me. I don't blame them. Like, who would like to talk to a person who literally buried their face in the laptop and walks around looking like a complete mess. But it's okay! I have you now. And my house. My mother's only gift.



Today was good. At least I didn't get a head full from that baldy-manager. Surprisingly, the cafeteria's lunch was good today. Like really good! There's a new buzz today. Seems like Anju and Vishal are dating. They'll make such a cute couple. I don't know when I will find someone who loves me. Oh- My pizza is here! Byeee! Time to binge watch CWC...


Anu is my best friend. Unlike me, she's the joy of the room. She knew almost everyone in the office. She's 25, a year older than me. She had everything. Friends pets, parents, a partner, everything. But she made me feel comfortable in the office. She made me relax. Within weeks, we became best friends. And, She's the one who introduced me to him.


Hey darlings,

Welcome to this journey of Nithya. Let's see about the people around her and ofcourse, a lot about her too.

With love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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