Life of Pi: Sailor POV

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    I can't move. Everything's too bright. My leg. I can't feel my leg. Where am I? What's happening? Something smells like food. I'm rocking... am I on a boat? Oh... that's right. I was on the Tsimtsum. But why can't I move? I'm starting to remember. A storm hit; I could hear it from my room. I had rushed to the balcony of the ship, even though it was raining, I had to know if everything was ok, as a sailor, I couldn't live with the threat of sinking and drowning in my sleep. As soon as I got to the balcony, the ship started shaking. I almost lost my balance, but I held on to a railing. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw someone die. They fell overboard and hit the water headfirst. They couldn't have survived. Once I noticed that the Tsimtsum was starting to sink, I started to look for a lifeboat. I searched high and low, but I could not find any. As a last-ditch effort, I looked over the railing into the ocean, there was a lifeboat! I saw a large man, he was sitting on the boat, he took up a large part of the boat... the huge scoundrel had lowered it without any attempt to save anyone else! People were starting to pour out of the ship through the doors like ants. The scoundrel was starting to move away from the Tsimtsum... I couldn't let him get away! There aren't any ropes... no ladders... should I jump? I asked myself. Suddenly, people began to push and shove as the ship started to creak and groan.

"Move! Where are the lifeboats?!" I heard someone say as they so rudely shoved me aside and began to run to the back of the boat. I can understand their language, but I can only speak Taiwanese. I started to peer over the railing again, to see if the ship was low enough to jump, but just as I caught sight of the lifeboat, a group of workers grabbed me out of nowhere and threw me over the railing! I couldn't fight back, why would they do this to me?! I flailed my arms trying to grab onto something, but all I found was air. The lifeboat was getting farther away, and for a split millisecond, I locked eyes with the fat scoundrel. His eyes softened quickly, and that disgusted me even as I was falling into the cold ocean. I don't know why I was so disgusted, oh maybe because HE LEFT EVERYONE FOR DEAD!!! I saw him reach for something in the boat, and I tried to see, but my leg. As I fell into the water, I forgot to adjust my position. How foolish! I had been specially trained for a sinking ship! I am a disgrace to sailors everywhere. My leg hit the water first, I had fallen stiff as a rock, and it was too late for me to relax my body. I felt shooting pain throughout my body as I felt my leg snap in half. I yelled but I was gagged by the salty water of the ocean. I started to tread water with my arms, but I was fading. I needed air. Even though I couldn't open my eyes in the water, I could feel my brain darkening. I stuck my hand to the surface. That was the best I could do. I knew I was going to die. But wait... something squishy is grabbing my hand. Another hand? How? I was swiftly pulled out of the water. I couldn't react. It was too late, I lost consciousness. I was able to open my eyes right before I fainted. I could only see a big blob... the scoundrel... had he come back for me? I lost all consciousness and let myself sink into the safe retreat of sleep.

I can't move. Oh... had I fallen asleep recalling how I got here...?

"Idiots! Fools!" Who... who is that? I hear an angry man. The flies. They're getting on my nerves.

Bzzzz Bzzzzz Bzz- The annoying best had been interrupted? I slowly opened my eyes... I can see about three people-

"AAAAHHHH!!!!! I can definitely feel my leg! It hurts!!!! Help!!!!!!" I screamed to the people surrounding me. Why aren't they answering? Can't they hear me?! I started to cry. It was a detestable thing to do, but the pain was too much to bear. My eyes completely shot open, I looked desperately around me. A fat man... the scoundrel! But... there's a woman and a child... when did they get here? I looked for the source of my pain. Maybe my leg was just dislocated from the fall... yeah! Oh. My. GOD!!! "My bone! I can see my bone!!!" I screamed even louder than before. I wailed even. My tears were pouring out of my eyes now. The woman. Her touch was soft against my cheek. I'm sorry. 'I can't stop crying,' I thought in my head. The pain was throbbing now. I could feel it spreading up to my thigh. The woman put my head in her lap. The child was holding my hand. I squeezed. Sorry, kid, I'm in so much pain, I'm probably killing your hand right now. The pain became too great for me to bear. My body was shutting down. I can't sleep! No! I looked around one last time before I fainted. The grimaced face of a woman, and the merciless face of a glutton.

I can't open my eyes. I can only hear what is going on. Some discussions... a woman consoling her child perhaps?

Everything was going in one ear and out the other, until I heard, "... amputation..." What?! Are they talking about my leg? I can't feel it anymore... did they already cut it off?! No. I slowly reached my hand down, and I patted my still intact leg; It was much larger than normal, and hard too. Had it become infected?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the one person that I held a sliver of trust to grabbed my arms and pinned them down! What's happening?! I struggled but I couldn't break out of her grip! Is she a gorilla? Or am I just too weak? I looked at the woman. She had a hurt look on her face. I shifted my gaze down to my leg... the glutton was sitting on me?! What the heck! I wailed in protest... I can't speak anymore. What is wrong with me? I screamed with no meaning, I writhed around. My chest rose and fell with every breath. I looked back at the glutton. A knife!! No... they were talking about amputation before... No!! I screamed even harder than before, but I couldn't fight back. I saw him hack that knife into my leg. Even though I couldn't feel my leg anymore, he had worked the knife right into the area of my leg that I could feel. I screamed like a wild animal. The pain was immense, even greater than when I fainted. They let me go. My leg fell to the floor with a thud. My leg... MY LEG!!!! What have you done?! I stared at the people with me in the lifeboat... what had they done to me?! I stared at my leg. I couldn't move anymore. I kept staring in shock. I couldn't do anything. In an instant, I fell back. I lost my leg.

How long have I been asleep? I'm numb. I can't feel anything. I can't even open my eyes. I can feel the life draining from me. Like a breeze. It started to blow away. I bid farewell to my family whom I was expecting to see when I reached America. I leave my life, my experiences, I can't remember anything else. Goodbye life~ fragile as a flower, it was nice while it lasted.

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