Chapter One:

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The boy eyes the team of men as they wrangle up a dinosaur. It was some herbivore that Axel didn't care so much about. Watching beside him, his friend, Ajax, bared his teeth as they just observed the team. Ajax was unlike any dinosaur he knew of. Sure, he had the teeth like a T-rex, but his body was much smaller, like a raptor. He was mostly black with some sand-colored lines masking his eyes and darting down his neck, towards the tip of his tail. Ajax's long nails crumble dirt and tiny stones as he started to growl.

"Calm yourself, Ajax." Axel roughly pats the hybrid's neck. "We will get our time."

Axel led the pair to get a closer look at the team. It seemed they were trying to transport them to a new place using horses as if they were cattle. The boy searched the immediate area for a good throwing rock, one that he could use to startle the herd into moving. He smiled to himself when he picked it up. Tossing it into the air, Ajax flicked it with his tail as he sent it flying into the middle of the herd. The pair watched the fearful herd bleat then rush off in a giant horde away from the men who continue to struggle with rounding them up.

Ajax snatched something that scurried past them, crunching on tiny bones and meat. The boy bit into a snack bar he had stolen from a house the two of them had snuck on by and stole food while they went. Thankfully, no one saw them nor reported them. Not like it took much effort since dinosaurs were everywhere nowadays. Once finished, Ajax chirped.

"Let's get going!"

Moving on, the pair walked. There was no destination in mind other than just to get away, from the world, from biosyn, from the men hunting them. They just needed to get away. Biosyn had been hunting them ever since they escaped from the stupid island place. Getting away was the easy part, it was staying that way that was the hard part. Ajax had been in a holding pen when Axel found him. The boy knew what it felt like to feel caged in and not able to free oneself despite everything the world had gifted to them. At least, that was what it felt like until the moment Axel met Ajax.

Jumping up on a tree log, Axel waited as the dinosaur leading him stopped in the middle of the pathway as if he had heard something. The kid waited with bated breath for something to move, to make noise. There was nothing to count for the sudden tense nature that Ajax had become, and he was normally very tense. He had a bit of an attitude problem when it came to just about everything else on the planet. But Axel was the one thing he protected. The only thing that the dinosaur didn't actually want to maul and maim. 

A sudden chirp behind him caused Axel to fall off the log as his foot got trapped between the branches. It wasn't a serious wound, but it did hurt for a moment. What really was the problem was the monster that appeared behind him. It was a raptor. One that had a blue line from her eye down to the tip of her tail. She snapped at Axel, a warning really. But Ajax was not having it. He snapped back, a promise.

Ignoring them, the raptor ran quickly away.

"You wouldn't happen to know what that was about, would you?" Axel rubs the dinosaur's neck gently. 

Moving once again, the pair restarted moving away from that place. It was too close to man for either's liking. Though, that probably didn't matter anymore. The second the pair stepped into a clearing, there stood a team of ten men, each with a big gun at their size. The leader, obviously because he was the only one without a big gun in his arms, stepped closer so he was in front of his team.

"Hello again, brat...Surprised to see me?" He waved his gun around. "Why don't you come quietly this time?"

"Over my dead body." The boy spat as Ajax growled, stomping his hand into the ground harshly.

"That can be arranged." 

Ajax charged before any man could charge their guns. The first man died with only a deadly scream and the loud crunching of bones. A shot hit Ajax but it didn't seem to faze him so much as he continued to plow through the men. Axel was so busy watching Ajax he didn't see the leader, that stupid bastard, behind him. He pinned the boy's right arm behind his back.

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