Big Brother.

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Jin chased Jungkook through the dance studio after they were done practicing, and once he caught him he pulled his maknae into a playful wrestling move. Jungkook playfully fought back. This was how the oldest and youngest of the team had been since the day they had met, always playfully bickering and fighting but their bond was stronger than ever and they absolutely loved eachother.

A recently hired staff member at BigHit named Cho was in the room with the band as well. He was overseeing dance practice that day.

And he hated Jin.

He'd been around the band enough to develop a severe hatred towards the oldest, but he kept it to himself. He hated Jin's jokes, hated his laugh, hated his dancing, hated almost everything about him. For the few weeks that he'd been working with the members he hated having to interact with Jin, although he always faked nice, because he knew being mean wasn't going to solve anything. However, he wished Jin was just gone.

And as he stood there and watched Jin wrestle around with Jungkook, an idea popped into his head. He devised an elaborate plan to get Jin out of that band. He looked at Jungkook, and knew Jungkook was only 17. The youngest of the group, the only one still a minor. As he watched them wrestle, he realized he could use this against Jin somehow. So he pulled out his phone and secretly recorded the two as they played.

After Jin and Jungkook had finished their playfulness, which ended in tons of laughter and hugs, Hobi mentioned they had to hurry up and get home. He was desperate to get back to the dorm and clean that disaster of a place and he already told everyone that he was demanding their help. As they all packed up and headed out, Cho grabbed Jin and pulled him aside. They were the only two left. Cho had shoved his phone in his pocket, but he kept it recording.

"What's up?" Jin asked as he threw on his backpack.

"I would like to talk to you about some observations of mine," Cho said sternly.

Jin panicked. "Oh no, is it my dancing? Was it bad today? Aish.."

"No, no. Actually it involves your maknae, Jungkook."

"Oh?" Jin asked curiously. "What about Kook-ah?" The thought of something being wrong with Jungkook made Jin's heart start to race. He hoped the youngest wasn't in some kind of trouble.

"I can't help but notice you tend to hurt him quite often." Cho folded his arms and narrowed his eyes at Jin, in a somewhat threatening manner.

Jin was shocked at the accusation. "Hurt him?" His voice got a bit louder with a hint of frustration, "When the hell have you ever seen me hurt him? I love that boy to death why on earth would you think I'd hurt him?" Jin couldn't help but feel offended. He knew Cho was new and learning how the bands relationship worked, but he couldn't believe Cho was this oblivious to how insanely protective over Jungkook he was. "I wouldn't even let a damn fly hurt that boy."

"Every time I'm in here I see you attacking him, hitting him, grabbing him, pushing him. Isn't he just a kid? Technically that's child abuse, Jin. I feel like it's something I need to report," Cho said.

Jin lost his breath and froze. A million thoughts raced through his head as he tried to find the correct way to defend himself. "I-I don't abuse him! We're just playing around! We've always been like that! I mess with him and he messes with me! But I never hurt him! I wouldn't do that! I'm always careful to make sure I'm not too aggressive with him. He's my baby how can you think I'd ever do something so terrible to him?" Jin's heart was faintly cracking. Abusing Jungkookie? The thought never once occurred to him. He also never once thought that someone else would accuse him of such a crime.

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