Why did you have to be a darn Weasley? (A Draco Love Story)

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jessica lilly weasley is my name but i like to be called jesse. im 16 and im secretly datting draco. yeah dont ask me how that happen i was 14 when he asked me out.its been 2 years. and let me tell you its freakin hard to hide that your datting some one your family hates. if fred knew he would kill me and bring me back to life just to kill me again im his favoriet sister. anyways i was born a cupple months after ron. my fave color is purple and blue. and i have my own room oh im very shy, but if you get to know me im like the twins and if you get me mad well its not pleasnet. hehee i got the basment yes!! away from everybody. anyways let me start telling  you my story of love, lies, drama, regret, and even death.

2 years ago i was walking down the hall. holiding my books close to me looking on the ground. not paying attention at all when i bumped in to some one thats wierd everyone should be eating why are people in the halls. i fall on the ground and i looked u to see draco.

him:ew a weasley!

me:what ever draco your not even worth my time or words

him:how dare you talk to me

me:oh well i did what are you going to do about it 

he looked at me and i looked back at him.

me:look draco you may hate my family but dont you ever talk to me like i am nothing. okay!!

he sigh and he put his hand out. i looked at it and looked back at him.

him:well are you going to take it

me:in that tone no i rather get up by myself

i got on my knees and started to pick up my books. when draco handed me one. i smiled a lil and he put his hand out and i graped it this time.


we herd people coming and draco push me aside to a conner we where so close he put his fingure to his lips telling me to be quiet. we waited untill they left and i didnt relize how grey his eyes are but in the light they looked a beautiful blue.i stared in to them.

him:come on we have to go before they see me with you

me:is there a problem with me

him:look your a 

me:what a weasley well im proud of it!!

i stormed of and went to this part of the lake that no one knows about but me i hide there to get away. i was up my tree and i herd a twig snap and then i saw someone trying to clim my tree.  i saw the top of the person head it was draco. i sigh and put my hand out he graped it and i pulled him up he sat right next to me.

me:are you sure you should be sitting right next to me the other slytherin might make fun if you cause your sitting next to a dirty gryffindor espeacialy a weasley.

he sigh and then i felt him stare at me.he put his hand on my cheak and turn my head for me to look at him. man he looks so hot. omg im falling for someone im suspose to hate great.

him:your not dirty blood traitor

me:you sure cause i thought all weas-

i was cut of with his lips crushing on mine. i was shocked but i kiss back but when i relize what im doing i pulled back its like batman kissing joker it was unatural but that kiss felt so right and i felt fire works.

him:your the exception

me:and why is that

him:because i like you

i was in shock i looked at him.

me:what kind of dirty joke is this

him:its not. i cant believe it but its the truth i fall for a weasley

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