~Chapter Six~

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I walked home, happily whistling my national anthem. 'Cause why not? I'm in a good mood. It makes a guy happy when his friends are happy. Though, It doesn't change the fact that there's still a maniac on the loose.

"AND AS THE HERO! I WILL PUT A STOP TO THIS KILLER AND BRING THEM TO JUSTICE! HAHAHAHAHA!" I yelled rather loudly, earning me some weird stares. But I didn't feel the tension in the air.

"I know, I know I'm hot, but please continue whatever it is you're doing! I'm just passing by!" I held my head high and continued down the road, I didn't bother taking a car since the meeting place is just a few miles away from the conference building. People just continued with their business. Well, that was awkward. . .

Well! That doesn't matter anyways. To be honest I'm surprised that the others were cheering up, not that I'm saying it's a bad thing. I still have to meet up with the others tomorrow to come up with another plan that may work to capture the culprit of all this mess. But for today, I'll be just resting and doing what not! Good idea, right?


"I'M SOOOO BOOOOOOORRRRED!" I whined to myself. I already did everything! I ate food, I played CoD, I watched TV, I ate food, I surfed the net, I played board games, I ate food. Everyone seems busy at the moment, so I don't have anyone to annoy. Then I started thinking back to the meeting.

Just the idea that a few things are going back to normal made me smile. It wasn't a big one, but I was happy. Then I bumped into this guy that looked like me but had a curl and carried a polar bear. What was his name again?

"OH! Right! It was Mattie! How could I forget that? I'll go visit him!" I said to nobody in particular. I stood up from the couch and went to my room. I grabbed a backpack (which was red, blue and white) and stuffed it with snacks and video games. I grabbed jacket and headed out the door.

"NEXT UP! CANADIA!" I yelled and went in my car.

The drive wasn't long, but after 45 minutes of listening to Approaching Nirvana and Dubstep, I saw my bro's home at the corner.


"DAMMIT! NOTHING'S BLOODY WORKING!" I slammed my hands on my book.

I tried every single spell in every single book in my basement that may be able to help me track down the killer or atleast show clues that can give a hint of who the killer is, but NOTHING is working! It ended up back firing at me or blowing up something. I even got turned into a GIRL. And don't you DARE tell France or America, they'll never let me live it down.

I sighed as I sat down on one of the chairs. At this point I'll drain myself, and my magic circle was beginning to weaken too. This is hopeless. I may be powerful but I get tired too, especially using this much magic. Eventually with a few more spells I'll spontaneously combust.

"Maybe, doing this all alone isn't the best idea." I admitted to myself.

I stood up and grabbed my phone and started dialing Norway's number while making my way back to the main room. It took a while before my call was answered.

"Hallo? Dette er Lukas Bondevik snakker. Hvem er dette?" He said through the phone in his native language.
"Hello, Norway. It's England. Do you have time to help me out with a few spells?" I asked while gathering the things I need.

"Zhat depends, vhat spells are jou talking about? I'm sort of busy." He questioned. Followed by something breaking, most probably glass, then yelling and laughing. I raised my (bushy) eyebrows and decided to ask.

"What is all that noise? Is everything alright?" I asked. I was wor- wondering about what was happening.

"Hm? It's nozhing, zhat dumb Dane is drunk again. He is rampaging throughout zhe house. And jou still haven't answered me."

"Oh, I apologize for that. I was trying to find some spells that could possibly give us a clue on who the killer is. I tried everything in my magic book but nothing worked. Not to mention my magic is getting tired and so is the circle. I was wondering if you could help." I glanced at my watch and started putting on my coat.

"Ikke. Jou zhink I haven't tried zhe same? My magic is weak too, so is Vladamir's. I've gone zhrough every book I have and nozhing is vorking. Vhoever zhis killer is, I can't track zhem." He explained with a sigh. I got in my car and started driving to the airport.

"Oh. That's a shame. Apologies for the interruption. But hopefully our magic will regenerate quick. Well goodbye, for now, and hopefully we'll see eachother alive and healthy and keep an eye out."

"Alvright, and it vas no trouble. And jou too. Vouldn't vant to see jou all bloody. Take care." With that, the line was cut. I snapped my phone shut and returned it back to my pocket. I looked at my surroundings and saw the airport ahead.

"I guess we're gonna have a reunion."

I sighed for the millionth time for the day. 'This is going to be a long journey.'


I got out the rental car I borrowed and stared at the mansion before me. It didn't change one bit. All my young years spent here. Such memories they were. I wonder if they changed. And hopefully the magic circle in the basement is still intact.

The Kirkland Mansion. It was home of some of the most powerful magicians. I, being part of them, was proud to have 'Kirkland' as my last name. Hopefully, they won't mind me visiting them for a while.

I knocked on the door twice. A few moments later I heard thuds signifying that someone was coming. The door opened. He stood there, hair as red as ever, a cigarette hanging from his mouth, in his usual military uniform. Only, he was shirtless. (Cue wolf whistles and girls fainting)

"What do ye want ye wee shit?" He asked me without removing the cigarette from his lips.

"Hello to you too, Allistor."



Eh? Someone's here?

I took off my red apron and turned off the stove. Good thing I finished making the pancakes, or else it would just go to waste. I went to the living room to see Kumawhatsit watching hockey. I went to the door, surprised to see who was here. Mostly, did they remember me? I opened the door to see an identical face but only their eyes were blue, they had a cow lick and had shorter hair.

"'Sup Matt! Good to see you again, broski!" He said (more like yelled). I winced a bit at the volume but not noticeable.

"A-Al? What are y-you doing here?" I asked. How did he remember me? Much less, my name?

"I'm gonna raid your fridge! Just kidding! I'm gonna spend time with you, duh!" He laughed his infamous laugh.

I sighed. This is gonna be a long day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I updated. HALLELUJAH!

I'll try to update tomorrow but, um, Scotland everyone! So he's basically one of my crushes.

Sorry if it's not much. :'(

But hey! A shirtless Scotsman everyone!

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